Im with ya. I actually hate most of the companions, sobits making it hard to keep interested. I actually like gale, and wyll. Shadowheart is poorly written. Her character is all over the place. Couple that with her constant negativity...yeah i want to (and have) push(ed) her off a cliff. Laizel is just so bitchy and one dimensional. Asterion i hate with eveey fiber of my being. I enjoy killing him. Gale's story is interesting to me. Was unexpected but neat. Wyll makes me think of ghost rider. Makes a pact with the devil to save people. I like it.

Someone comented about needing a front line character.. i agree. However shadoheart can do a good job if you use her as a dex tank and use inflict wounds as her main damage. Hits like a truck far more reliablely then her str based weapons that she doesn't have the str for.