I had 0 crashes with earlier patches - I also went to the underdark briefly (after Zhentarim), then was OK (I didn't stray out into the Underdark, just stayed in the Zhent enclave down there to loot it, then back of the lift), then entered temple of Absolute (Gut's place). Then the crashes started. The games appear to save fine, but then when you load a game, it crashes part way through the load. I freed Volo...it was fine. Freed the prisoner being tortured. Save, load crash. Reloaded older game, freed Halsin, save, load crash. It seems that each time I now save after some combat, the game will crash when it is reloaded. I have a druid in the party - maybe it is related to the introduction of that class somehow...

Last edited by booboo; 02/03/21 03:38 PM.