Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by Etruscan
. Anyway, at this juncture it's something of a fruitless discussion; they were quoted as saying there won't be a D/N cycle months ago.

It looks like they now have way more money than expected... So they can change their mind about a feature MANY (all) players would like.
I'm getting tired of hearing about what Larian said in an interview. It really isn't our job to worry about how they can work features into their budget or how malleable something is that they said in a random interview months ago. If they've made decisions about things that are set in stone then they should tell us about them very clearly in the game launcher or in a stickied post in this forum. Otherwise, I don't care what some people have heard - mentioning something in an interview on a stream somewhere isn't how you communicate with playtesters.

Our job is to play the game and tell them what works and what doesn't. It's their job to figure out how to fix things within their budget - that should never be a factor for us.