lol. You are right there. It is definitely their job to make the game good. I wholeheartedly agree with you. I've been saying the same thing. Let people make their suggestions and let Larian decide if they're going to implement and if they can implement. Totally agree.

I'm just trying to provide multiple potential solutions, which was one of the points of this thread. I'm trying to suggest multiple solutions that could at least work better than the current thing they're doing, because that doesn't really work well; especially when I play the game for 10 minutes and don't even get into a fight and Astarion needs his bedroll already AFTER picking up from an end day long rest. So sleep eight hours, adventure for 10 minutes, need to end day again? Come on. That's not gonna fly at all. I can handle the concept of adventuring, getting into some major fight or two, and then calling it a day to recover from the fights, but if I didn't even get into a fight that reduced health or required magic to be expended, why would I long rest? Just for story?

No. No. And that is the whole point. I can deal without having realtime day/night, which would be the absolute ideal, and if they gave us events that occurred at specific times, like if you don't kill the gobbo leaders in three days or something they attack the grove, which would again turn this game from awesome into ABSOLUTELY ONE OF A KIND INCREDIBLE, then at the very least give me more of an illusion of real time and day/night and so forth. I'm struggling a lot with the whole "I'm tired" bit coming from my party members when they've hardly done anything.

That is what this thread was about. Ya gotta give me reasons to long rest if you want to make character development and dialogue happen only at camp. Ya gotta make it a tad more believable as to why I would only adventure for maybe 10 minutes and then spend the rest of an entire day resting at camp when I have a mind flayer tadpole in my head.