Originally Posted by Ayvah
Originally Posted by IrenicusBG3
I can understand your struggle if you are a JRPG fan. But cosmetic or not, it adds to immersion and is pretty standard for virtually any CRPG. It is no surprise that many non-rpg games (and JRPGs) have nowadays. The way it is now, there are no night quests and it seems ridiculous that a D&D campaign will have minimal night quests.
My gosh. The gatekeeping in this thread. lol.

I don't care if Baldur's Gate 3 meets anyone's arbitrary definition of what an RPG is allowed to be. I'm just here for a good time with a fun game. Call it whatever you want.

Well, fun is subjective. We can all be minimalists and dismiss graphics, cinematics, soundtrack and may even go back to table top. There is a reason why so many people complain and so many games have it and it is not arbitrary.