Originally Posted by Ysh
Let's hope so, because honestly, I've played yesterday evening again and that UI is so clumsy I can't find anything. And the worst is when spells disappear and that you have to put them back in your bars.

Added to that, I find the part showing the number of spell available left before rest not that great.
Yes, the biggest issue is that it’s not one time investment but ongoing chore every time you change spells or level up. And that’s level 4. I can imagine playing mage level 10+ that way.

Amount of spells left is not too bad, though it took me some time before I noticed that. But unless you organise things yourself, you will have trouble to recognise on a glance what spells use which resource.

Overall, I just don’t like the hot bar. Kingmaker had the same issue, and I couldn’t be bothered to rearrange my hot bar for spellcasters after every swap of spells (which in Kingmaker is often). Luckily Kingmaker has a more traditional extension as well, though it less the ideal - you have to manually click to expand it, manually click on spell level, and then most likely manually retract it before casting a spell. That’s a lot of clicks, not to add that buttons are small and it’s easy to misclick - which in that game that can mean death. That said, I had slightly better time on 27’ screen, but on laptop it was a nightmare.