I totally agree, the UI is a big mess.

The Pathfinder does many things better and even there is lots of room for improvement.
I have not played Solasta yet.

We need:
- A spell menu where a) all spells are sorted by spell level, b) the ability to cast them at higher level, c) it should show if casting at higher level has an effect and if yes, what is the effect and d) the number of used and unused spell slots for each level.
The spell menu from NWN2 was the best I have seen so far and something similar should do a good job.
- A menu for class abilities
- A menu for items that can be used again (like the speak with the dead amulet or the amulet that can heal you)
note: Pathfinder put item powers and class abilities in the same menu and it can be confusing sometimes.
- A use manu, you press a button and see all items that can be used, in the best case sorted by type (potion, scroll, grenade type, special ammo, food)
Kind of the same thing as the throw button
- A way that players can customize the hotbar. Unfortuanatly I cannot see a way to avoid the hotbar entirely.

very nice to have:
- Items get auto sorted into different bags when you pick them up.
- You can sell items without moving all items from one char to the other. usually the char with most strengh who carries stuff is not the char with high cha who gets the best prizes.
I would cut the D:OS price system entirely. Everyone gets the same prize and it only changes when you change your reputation with a group because of a quest (or by randomly killing their members), no prize improvement by giving items away for free.

After some thinking I have an idea:
instead of the throw button we get two buttons "use as action" and "use as bonus action".
When you press them you see all items that can be used as action or bonus action and you can sort things into categories.
- When using an item on the enemy you throw it if it cannot be used in the usual sense (like use fireball scroll on enemy)
- If the target is an ally you can select if you want to use it on him/her or give it to him/her.
I think it makes no sense that you can swap items between characters and your own equipment as well during combat however you like.
Outside of combat it is fine, but it feels wrong to change armor during combat or put 20 health potions in the inventory of your friend.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: