Joined: Oct 2020
If there is one thing I absolutely tend to tilt on in RPGs, then it is their dreadful attires that do not match whatever I had in mind even the slightest.
So *ALL MY YES* to more cosmetic choices regarding armor.
Hoot hoot, stranger! Fairly new to CRPGs, but I tried my best to provide some feedback regardless! <3 Read it here: My Open Letter to Larian
Joined: Oct 2020
I like what the starting druid is wearing and would like to see and enhanced style of similar druid armor lootable somewhere in the game too. Also since Gith supposedly now come equipped with Githyanky weaponry, it would have been nice to see Lae'zel toting a Gith sword too?
“This year the utopian candy shell has melted away to expose a hard center of bizarre reality.”
Joined: Feb 2021
I like what the starting druid is wearing and would like to see and enhanced style of similar druid armor lootable somewhere in the game too. Also since Gith supposedly now come equipped with Githyanky weaponry, it would have been nice to see Lae'zel toting a Gith sword too? It would also be nice if starting githyanki warriors got the same equipment as Lae'zel.
Joined: Oct 2020
I like what the starting druid is wearing Me too, that was the point.  Druids have purrfect armor, yet rogues and rangers especialy are kinda ... poor. :-/
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
Having customisable equipment, or at least a selection of styles to choose from, is a recurring request. If I manage to find all the previous such threads, I'll merge them. However, given the obscure nature of some of the thread titles, this may take more time and effort than I can muster at present.
I would say that I can't see this being a priority for Larian at present, but it doesn't hurt to put such requests forward.
EDIT: Aaaand now I remember. We had plenty of decent threads and posts about customisable armour (and clothing), but some posters decided to derail them by pushing for an argument about gender politics and the role of women in historical conflict. The threads ended up locked and shut away in the naughty cupboard.
I have merged the latest (non-locked thread) with this one with the optimistic hope that this will remain free of real-world gender discussions.
Last edited by Sadurian; 03/03/21 03:34 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
Having customisable equipment, or at least a selection of styles to choose from, is a recurring request. If I manage to find all the previous such threads, I'll merge them. However, given the obscure nature of some of the thread titles, this may take more time and effort than I can muster at present.
I would say that I can't see this being a priority for Larian at present, but it doesn't hurt to put such requests forward.
EDIT: Aaaand now I remember. We had plenty of decent threads and posts about customisable armour (and clothing), but some posters decided to derail them by pushing for an argument about gender politics and the role of women in historical conflict. The threads ended up locked and shut away in the naughty cupboard.
I have merged the latest (non-locked thread) with this one with the optimistic hope that this will remain free of real-world gender discussions. Hell now I am curious how a thread about customized armor can derail into gender politics and the role of women in historical combat lol.
Joined: Nov 2020
There should be multiple armour styles (racial and class) that anyone can wear. We can already craft and collect herbs, let us make dyes as well. I like these ideas and definitely want to see Elven, Dwarven armour sets etc. Though I’m not sure how your average human or elf fits into Dwarven armour. A part of me is quite taken with the concept of race specific/locked armour but I appreciate this would never happen and would probably turn most people off. Definitely would love to see more variety and some toned down options too, not everything needs to be so garish. There’s some really hideous armour options and I can’t bring myself to wear them.
Joined: Oct 2020
I would say that I can't see this being a priority for Larian at present, but it doesn't hurt to put such requests forward. Thanks. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2020
I would love a greater variety of armor too. And that the otehr classes get the druid treatment and their signature armor - that would be great.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Jan 2021
Speaking of customizable options,
The highest priority for me would be clerics and paladins. To be able to have the regalia/symbol of their deity/oath on their armor.
Back to variation,
For classes like sorcerer, monk, and wizard (no armor proficiencies) it'd be fun to find headpieces, accessories, etc. to wear to fit the character aesthetic you're looking for and a good variety of simple robes.
For classes like bard, rogue, druid, and warlock (light armor proficiencies), I really like the uniqueness of what was done for druid. I would like to see something similar for warlock, rogue, and bard.
Last edited by DragonSnooz; 03/03/21 06:30 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
I know there's always the concerns about budget, time, etc, but I think this is not something that should be low on the priority list in any way. To me, it's VERY IMPORTANT that what I see on screen somewhat relates to the idea I had in mind when coming up with a character. If there's a wide disconnect, I simply end up playing someone/something else, because the look is too much in conflict with the idea. A lawful good human wizard and an evil drow wizard don't shop the same place. I've passed on many RPGs (looking at you, BioWare) because I didn't like the possible looks on the characters.
Last edited by Gimbal; 03/03/21 06:08 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
I know there's always the concerns about budget, time, etc, but I think this is not something that should be low on the priority list in any way. To me, it's VERY IMPORTANT that what I see on screen somewhat relates to the idea I had in mind when coming up with a character. If there's a wide disconnect, I simply end up playing someone/something else, because the look is too much in conflict with the idea. A lawful good human wizard and an evil drow wizard don't shop the same place. I've passed on many RPGs (looking at you, BioWare) because I didn't like the possible looks on the characters. Thankfully, regardless there is a very active community in Nexus that is dedicated to providing your characters with the coolest outfits.
Joined: Oct 2020
It would be a big improvement if Larian (or modders) could just add colorization options like the "dye" options for Geralt's armor sets in The Witcher 3. That was nicely integrated into the game. You didn't immediately get color choices, you had to find the various dye colors in the world or buy from merchants.
I could then make my Rogue's leather armor black instead of brown as a bit of user customization. It might not be as useful for the metal armor sets, but great for leather and wizard robes. And it wouldn't require completely new designs, just a change in the color palette.
Joined: Feb 2020
Definitely +1 for custom colors. It would be a great and easy reference to the old games and if it was possible for all companions, it would be even better.
I don't care at all about other cosmetic options. According to me it would be a waste of time. More items is always good. Cosmetic for cosmetic is not.
Custom starting equipment (like in Solasta/DnD - wich armor/weapons/items/...) is also something I'd like, but I guess that's not what this thread is about.
Last edited by Maximuuus; 03/03/21 06:52 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
It would be a big improvement if Larian (or modders) could just add colorization options like the "dye" options for Geralt's armor sets in The Witcher 3. That was nicely integrated into the game. You didn't immediately get color choices, you had to find the various dye colors in the world or buy from merchants.
I could then make my Rogue's leather armor black instead of brown as a bit of user customization. It might not be as useful for the metal armor sets, but great for leather and wizard robes. And it wouldn't require completely new designs, just a change in the color palette. A dye system would be so freaking awesome. The highest priority for me would be clerics and paladins. To be able to have the regalia/symbol of their deity/oath on their armor.
Back to variation,
For classes like sorcerer, monk, and wizard (no armor proficiencies) it'd be fun to find headpieces, accessories, etc. to wear to fit the character aesthetic you're looking for and a good variety of simple robes.
For classes like bard, rogue, druid, and warlock (light armor proficiencies), I really like the uniqueness of what was done for druid. I would like to see something similar for warlock, rogue, and bard. Yes...So much Yes!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Mod edit: previous thread title; 'Armor customization'.
It would be great if we could get initial armor customization, even if it’s just colors due to the time that it might take to implement different varying armor sets for each class. Not big on custom color pallet, but additional armors like masterwork instead of jumping straight to +1 would be nice. Also instead of a cloak add backpacks to the slot. Bandolier instead of belt, and so on.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Looking at NPCs, the modellers have gone out of their way to provide lots of variations of the same item models for them. It would be a shame if all this variety wasn't available to the player as well, in some form or fashion.
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Joined: Oct 2020
As I said in another thread I would like to see in BG3, maybe thanks to a no slot consuming item, what they did in Original Sin II that is make the armor morph into the unique style of whomever was wearing it, Sebille had elves style with the armor or dresses with an obvious vegetal design with leaves, and so on.
Joined: Aug 2014
I don't think we should be able to completely "transmogrify" how armor looks to respect the original designer's work. Like changing a black "Leather Armor of Shadows" into a bright yellow chainmail bikini, just because we like that particular look and like the stealth bonus, no.
But I'd like to be able to customize the colors like in the Infinity Engine games.
And just many more armor models in general, especially clothing that already exists but only for NPC's.
Joined: Apr 2020
I posted this in another thread, but I hope we get variants for starting armor that we can choose in character creation.
For example, the standard issue wizard robe gets old after seeing it enough times. Everyone steeling Lae's armor, i steal Gale's cause i'm sick of the light blue. I got of seeing Gale's robe on him all the time, so once I gave him my Wizard's blue robe. I was playing a Githyanki and just used medium armor instead.