Originally Posted by Arkhan
Playing again last night my MC tried to lift the burning wood off the guy in the burning Manor House (I forget his name, but I am sure you know the one). I had to make 9 on a d20, failed the first try, and admit just reloaded a save. I am sometimes tempted to do this, but usually resist. However, this time, out of bloody mindedness, I decided to keep reloading until I succeeded. It took me eight attempts (i.e. I failed 7 times).

The probability of this happening, getting a fail 7 times in a row, is (8/20)^7 = 0.0016384 or about 1 in 610. Hmmm
The probability of it happening right at this point maybe be fairly low, but this is just when you happened to notice it. The probability of having 7 low rolls in a row at some point is actually fairly good. It would be weird if it didn't happen from time to time.

Last edited by grysqrl; 03/03/21 07:04 PM.