After playing for some time and the party hitting level 4, I have to say I have very mixed impressions about this patch. On the positive side, I like the druid implementation, buggy shapeshifting included. The new roleplaying options in the grove are well incorporated into the story and the utility of various shapes is fun.

But mechanically, the game feels more clunky and unpolished then before. The pathfinding ai of the companions remains as useless as ever, but with the added issue of this new "folllow jump" feature. Now the companions will occassionally harm themselves in my game. I can't even pinpoint what exactly is happening, but suddenly a companion will be lying prone & hurt next to a ladder or a cliff.

Inventory bugs out quite often, with issues I haven't encountered in previous patches. E.g. a character's inventory will become inaccessible, and the only way to fix that is to reload. I haven't used any mods in any of my previous playthroughs, so that is not a possible cause.

Cutscenes have all sort of graphical issues, usually due to weird actor positioning, that I haven't seen before. And this happens very often.

I also supect something is going on with companion dialogues, because despite spamming rest I only got two, both related to plot (dream caused and Gale's confession). Similar with non-party npcs. E.g. my party had to climb the stone next to the windmill, because walking on the road would cause all goblins to immediately go hostile. But standing on the stone they were suddenly willing to talk.