Originally Posted by Danielbda
Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Pandemonica
I have been all over looking at videos on YT in regards to this game, and all I see is positive comments (which is strange for YT). I go to gaming sites, positive comments. I go to Steam, positive. GOG....positive. It seems the most negative comments are on this forum. People said the same thing about the remake of Tomb Raider when Square Enix took over, and guess what, it was a great game. Personally I quite enjoy this game, there is some things that annoy me, but I will hold my judgement until the actual game comes out. I can tell you this, Larian is doing a better job than modern day Bioware would do.
You must have selective blinders because the overall tone is way more positive here than on Steam.

Of course, both combined still can't hold a candle to the den of relentless ass kissers that is the BG3 subreddit. A place where even remotely suggesting any aspect of the game leaves you anything less than 100% satisfied will make you the target of a pitchfork mob.
Unless it's about wanting more customization and romance options. In that case they'll have your back, because they think the final goal of Baldur's Gate 3 is becoming the ultimate fantasy dating sim.

hey, now that I think about it, they are basically Bioware fans.
I conducted a poll there recently about rule implementation, and the current result is closer rule implementation losing at a 42%. Thought that it would be way worse actually.

It mirrors that pure 5e rule implementation has been a divisive topic. We need to consider that, some voters may have no knowledge of 5e rules. So 42% saying they would like the game to be closer to RAW makes sense.