These are some great suggestions.
As I said before, for spell menu I am still a fan of NWN2.

But you are right that PoE2 is a great example for inventory.
There is a group stash and a personal inventory for every char. The personal inventory is limited and you can only use items from your own inventory during combat.
When picking up stuff you can select to give it a character (anyone in the group) or to the stash.
At the moment the inventory is very annoying. You have to move things all the time for buy/sell stuff or equipping stuff.

Yes, the camera is not good often.
Sometimes I wish I could tilt the camera, so the camera can be anywhere between right behind a char and a top down view.

party control:
I do not like the chain system.
why not do it like any other RPG since BG1

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: