Originally Posted by Madscientist
At the moment the inventory is very annoying. You have to move things all the time for buy/sell stuff or equipping stuff.
That's a fundamental problem. Unlike, let's say Kingmaker or even BG1&2, BG3 doesn't restrict items we have access to as there is the ability to send whatever we want to homebase, if I remember well (being EA I didn't care that much for my inventory and would just not loot anything not 100% necessary). As such there is no real reason as to not give players access to a more convenient "stash" that we can access at any time and not worry about weight limit. Which would be fine if there was weight limit, but there really isn't because of the stash, which we can access at almost any time, it's just annoying to do so.

Similarly, when we loot we can send anything we want to any party member, no matter the distance - "realism" then, is not a concern. But we can't freely switch between characters, who are chained and standing right beside, without exiting looting the container, unless they are standing right on top of each other. Which would be nice, as current UI demands constant management, and manual sorting of items into it's own containers on hotbar. Which means, I either have to use "send" button to spread desired items among party members (arrows to archer, granades to rogue, potions to relevant people etc. etc) and then manually hunt said items in the overstuffed inventory and then assign them to hot bar (automatic hotbar is of course off, because it just creates an unmanagable mess). Or! I have to open the container, loot what I want with one person and assign it directly to hotbar/container on hotbar, then switch to another character, open container again do the same, then yet another character.... That's one way to make a 100h plus RPG.

I mean BG1&2 inventory management was also very fiddly, but there was so much less of it. I had better time playing through Siege of Dragonspear on my tablet, then fighting with BG3 UI on PC.