Originally Posted by Eddiar
Holy crap that is an amazing idea!
But the problem is still there regarding easy way of transfering loot from one character to another to make better trading.
But backpacks on Action bar is a really good idea. I totally support that.
Yes, I don't know, if it was intended or not, but that's the only way I survived D:OS2. It's even better in BG3 as you can loot directly into hotbar. So you see a potion, and you have a potion backpack - you can open the container and drag the item there directly and the potion will be looted and assigned were you want it to be. There are couple drawbacks however, which Larian could fix - tranfering items between characters can be tedious as you need to open containers manually, but what's worse when trading you can't open the container, as you could in BG1&2 - you can only sell the entire backpack. Which means going into backpack before trading manually, and transfering items to you inventory and then trading - which is far more fuss that there needs to be.

There is a mod for D:OS2 that almost singlehandedly improved the game a lot for me if not for one major issue.

Essencially, a set of bags that would automatically sort items for you - picked up an arrow? It automatically goes into your arrow bag, and then assigns that bag to your UI and with one click from hotbar you can see all arrows your character carries. The only downside was that it was interfeering with "wares" system, which in the end made IMO more bad then good, with how quickly the items were becoming obsolete in that game.

Frankly, all I want from Larian is to allows us to create "folders" on our hotbar. 1 level spell, 2 level spells, arrows, potions, scrolls. That alone would just make the inventory and hotbar UI... alright?

Last edited by Wormerine; 05/03/21 03:02 PM.