Joined: Jan 2021
A really strange bug concerning Character Creation. Basically, when I select Druid as my class, the armour doesn't show up. Any character, no matter their race or gender, will stand there only in underwear or appears as a floating head. I verified the integrity of the game files and uninstalled the game too. Also, I decided to see if this situation occurred in play and it does. It shows no armour or weapon in my player character's inventory. Kinda bummed as I was super excited to play a Druid. Has anyone else came across this?
Joined: Sep 2016
Has anyone else encountered the issue where the popup for selecting the druid wildshapes or any of their other abilities refuses to go away... like EVER!...? If so, has anyone found a workaround to get rid of so you can see the toolbar again?
Oh, less of a concern, but... when I go to camp with those popups active and trigger the Lae'Zel 'Come here and let me have a look at you' cinematic (because I can't recruit a 5th person and didn't yet want to dismiss Shadowheart so soon after killing and looting Gale) I go through it with a black screen and a few brief flashes of light here and there. Anyone else? Yeah I saw someone else with the same wild shape UI bug on the subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGat...hapeshift_interface_bug_the_window_with/
Joined: Feb 2021
2. Druid armor heavily bugged on Female Golden Dwarf, but devs should know about it. This. The male druid seems fine. The female dwarf's skeleton/model, both subraces, is seriously misaligned. The head is pushed back by a couple inches and appears to be floating or unattached if you view from behind/side (could be masked with a long hairstyle), and the armor appears to be sitting forward off the body by a few inches. It's disappointing, and too much of a distraction to use female dwarf as a race for the druid. 
Joined: Oct 2020
I don't know if this is a proper bug but still I'm gonna post it in this thread.
My druid toon has 10 in strenght. That is he should be able to lift a maximun of 100 kilos (or libres or whatever weight unit of mesure they have in Faerun), currently my toon is in the nautiloid ship, I decided to gather son nautiloid tanks, those explosive fellas can be useful later and weight 25, but when I highlight the tank the only option I can use is "attack". I switched to Lae'zel, strenght 17 that is 170 kilos, and she is able to take the tanks (three for an amount of 75 ).
I tried to use the inventory menu to move the tanks from Lae'zel to Gallenus (the name of my new druid) but again I couldn't, as final resort I selected the tank and opened the courtain menu, again the option "Give to Gallenus" was not on.
Joined: Oct 2020
1) Room with the book of the dead. I tried opening it with both Shadowheart and Gale. They both fail and the game locks up. The only difference from the last patch was the tool tip about inspiration points. I reloaded the game a number of times but the lock up happens whether they fail or succeed.
2) In druid grove at the telescope site, at the beginning of the dialog there is no lip syncing from the tiefling. It kicks in during the rest of the dialog.
3) Double image overlay in the cut scene talking to the undead fellow.
Joined: Feb 2021
A really strange bug concerning Character Creation. Basically, when I select Druid as my class, the armour doesn't show up. Any character, no matter their race or gender, will stand there only in underwear or appears as a floating head. I verified the integrity of the game files and uninstalled the game too. Also, I decided to see if this situation occurred in play and it does. It shows no armour or weapon in my player character's inventory. Kinda bummed as I was super excited to play a Druid. Has anyone else came across this? Have the same problem( And I was so looking forward to this beautiful druid outfit on my character! X(
Last edited by Lasselante; 27/02/21 08:00 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I want my nautiloid tanks baaaack!!!!!! :'(
Joined: Oct 2020
- Some surfaces do not expire after the "turns remaining" indication and stay indefinitely; - Some cutscenes don't start and consist just of lines of dialogue (like when you talked to the deads pre-patch); - If I change the "Highlight tooltips" hotkey to TAB instead of LEFT ALT the command doesn't work anymore; - Using DirectX instead of Vulkan the game freezes for 1-2 seconds every 5 minutes or so. It is quite bothersome.
Last edited by Sharet; 27/02/21 10:17 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
Near the beginning of the game, interacting with Book of Dead Gods inside the Dank Crypt is broken. Any option I choose will proceed to roll, and regardless of the outcome the character is just stuck in the dialogue *This book is far lighter than it should be with such a massive lock*.
Swapping characters and interacting with the book lets me read it now, but the original character is still stuck in dialogue and can't be used. My custom character is an Asmodeus Tiefling Warlock, but it happens regardless of which character/dialogue option I choose (Shadowheart, Astarion, Lae'zel).
Joined: Jan 2021
Bugs I've encountered so far that weren't present before Patch 4:
- When approaching the windmill to save the dark gnome, the goblins now attack on sight instead of triggering the dialogue even if you're not hostile with the goblin camp. - At the Refugees celebration the romance scene doesn't trigger. After selecting which character to spend the night with, my party is stuck on the bedrolls with no option to stand up, go back to the main map or do anything else beside reloading a previous save. Very annoying. - Kagha's chest can't be lockpicked anymore. - The inventory screen randomly turns to black at times.
- Firm believer in Mindflayer supremacy -
Joined: Oct 2020
Hi folks!
Not sure if anyone else encountered this one: the initial interaction with the mother Owlbear does not trigger for my Druid. I've tried standing there in humanoid form, and wild-shaped. The encounter doesn't trigger, she just stands there. If you go over to her, she becomes hostile and attacks. I don't know if this applies to non-druids.
Joined: Feb 2021
I just started playing so I'm not sure if this is specific to Patch 4.
As a cleric, sending divine energy into the lock on the book near the heavy crate in the dank crypt leads to the character being stuck interacting with the book. Also, tested this with Shadowheart and got the same result.
Joined: Feb 2021
Not sure if these have been encountered yet but I've come across 2 bugs recently. one seems like a bug and the other one might not be but I think should definitely be addressed.
1) after a battle in the the temple where you meet shadowheart I had Astarion selected and he was sneaking. I was trying to get him to loot a corpse of a baddy but clicked on my druid in wildhape as the bear and accidently went in to the pickpocket screen. I exited out and selected my druid to unwildshape him and move him but then when i went in to my inventory my Druid's stuff was gone. Not in Astarions inventory or anyone else's but just gone. Luckily I have been autosaving like crazy so i didn't lose much progress.
2) while wildshaped i can't seem to interact with moon beam to move the beam on my turn. This should definitely be something you can do since part of the balancing with Druid has them have a lot of concentration spells that they can keep up in wildshape. I think this is probably a bug but wanted to point it out. I haven't tried with flaming sphere yet
Joined: Aug 2020
Selling too much of all the garbage loot we get to only one trader (in my case it was Aaron cause he gave my druid good discounts) will irreparably corrupt all future save files, basically you will keep on crashing trying to reload. Happened to me when I wanted to fight the gith, which made me think githanki were buggy again, but then I tried loading other saves before even approaching them, but after unloading all my loot on Aaron, all of them were crashing while loading. I really don't know how devs can solve it, other than all the loot we sold resetting on the same intervals normal traders restock their goods.
Elfira's song's subtitles are visible anywhere, even from the other side of the map. All others aren't.
Joined: Feb 2021
1)Finding that some chests or doors I was able to lock pick before I'm not able to do now; instead displaying as "Lockpicking Impossible". What I'm noticing is that they're all story quest/item related?
-Kagha's chest -The door leading to the forge room in the Blighted village, that has the Mastercraft weapon blueprints -The metal door that the Necromancy book of Thay is behind.
This is also with Astarion, with thieves tools as well.
2) Another thing I've also noticed, while disengaging in combat my character more often than not first walks away from the enemy before jumping, provoking an opportunity attack anyway. This is even while being careful to not aim to jump outside the range or circle displayed, with no obstacles blocking me from moving anywhere. It'd honestly be nice if jumping and disengaging were separate buttons.
3) Talkative skeleton ended up duplicating himself in the cutscene where he climbs out of his sarcophagus, duplicate vanished once it was over however.
Joined: Oct 2014
Game won't advance after rolling dice to read what's in the Book of the Dead. I've tried it 4 times with different characters. It hangs. I reloaded game again and now you can pick it up but no question about opening it.
Joined: Oct 2020
COMBAT BUG: This has happened to me 2-3 times now: during combat, my character will reach the end of their movement, have no actions or bonus actions left, and I can't click on the 'End Turn' button. It's like the game thinks they're still moving. Only way out is to reload. (Which is why I save constantly. "Save scumming" my ass.... it's the only way to preserve sanity.  ) Regards, SKP
Joined: Nov 2020
My save game file becomes corrupted whenever I sale equipable items, (ie. rings, weapons, shields or torches), to the Gnome vendor in the Grove. When I try to load the save it crashed the game. Certain useless "junk" items can be sold, just not items that can be equipped.
Joined: Oct 2020
The chest in the hidden forge (where you discover/make the susa bark weapons) up the ladder on the platform 'above' the trapped chest, is seemingly unable to be opened; I might just be a twerp and not finding the key. I seem to have broken party member interaction in the camp; I've had no interaction with any of them beyond Gale's "I need to eat magical items" dialogues, Astarion's "I need to have a suck" dialogues, and Shadowheart's "I'm a priestess of Shar" dialogues that trigger when you hit the triggers in the abandoned village/owlbear's lair. I wonder if this is an side-effect of the weighted dice; combat is definitely less gruelling, so I'm able to go further without resting. Elfira's song's subtitles are visible anywhere, even from the other side of the map. All others aren't. Yep, I get this too. Bugs I've encountered so far that weren't present before Patch 4: - When approaching the windmill to save the dark gnome, the goblins now attack on sight instead of triggering the dialogue even if you're not hostile with the goblin camp. - Kagha's chest can't be lockpicked anymore. I've got these too. (edit: and her key doesn't seem to work either!)
Last edited by Some_Twerp753; 01/03/21 01:46 PM.
Joined: Dec 2020
Noticed this pretty early on but wasn't sure what was happening.
Apparently, every time I load a save my characters swap their weapons (from melee to ranged and back).
I was rather confused because Lae'zel was suddenly running around with her bow out and not her starting long sword on the nautiloid. It doesn't even have to be a character's turn or for them even to be in your party. I left Shadowheart at camp with her mace and shield equipped, had saved and reloaded, popped back in to grab her for a run in the crypts and, surprise! She has a crossbow on her back. I even got to watch Gale examining his mirror image, one with a quarterstaff and one with a crossbow. It happens every time I reload. And it seems to happen with people not in the party as well. At the battle at the druid gate, the mercenary who usually uses a bow ended up swapping to her bare fists. It wouldn't be a huge problem, except that: A) I save scum a lot. I'll admit it. In battle mostly. So because of my save scummy nature there is a lot of weapon swapping happen in just one battle. B) I usually have my party members holding a melee weapon when they end a turn (especially when in melee range) for that sweet, sweet attack of opportunity.
To be fair, I am using a drow druid that I made with the new patch and not with the hotfix. Don't know if that changes anything.