Joined: Dec 2020
Got a question about Hotfix 8. The patch notes say -Fixed a rare crash when an object falls into a chasm. Do you have any more info about what this is referring too? I thought maybe it was similar to the issue I posted here, but that's still happening.
Last edited by xnihil0zer0; 05/03/21 12:28 AM.
Joined: Aug 2020
For anyone like me that had problems trying to exit Longrest by clicking a bedroll and being stuck with Characters sitting there with speach bubbles i kind of found a solution, select a Character that isn't one of the four on the bedrolls and speak to another party member standing around, for me this was Wyll. Tell him to leave the party, when he asks are you sure say no and leave the conversation. This should take you to the campfire video outscene.
Joined: Jan 2021
Pretty sure this has been reported already, just in case not  Offhand DEX modifier show that it applies when you mouse over the offhand attacks, but when you actually use it, in the calculation, the modifier is not applied.
Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a bit, you realize the pig enjoys it.
Joined: Oct 2017
Flame Sword tooltip says that you can unequip, but even when pressing tab I can't sheath the sword.
Joined: Feb 2021
This has now happened two times in a row:
Fighting Gut and her boys I've had the combat lock up with no ability to end turn. The first time I had Halsin selected, his portrait receded as if done, but the end turn button would not work. Second time the camera kept centring on Gale, who was frightened, even when it was not his turn, selecting one of the others would let me use them, but the camera would continue to pan to Gale. Got over this then the above happened again, this time Halsin was part of a group with another three sharing initiative. I was hoping to get over it by killing the last Goblin, but as always the RNG had other ideas.
Both times it happened at the back near the throne and spider gates. Both times Halsin was selected and moved first.
Joined: Jan 2021
Good Morning, Ok, here we go again, Rogue sneak attack calculation, can we argue that this is a "bug" ?! Below we have the following math operation: 11 * ((4-1)/2+1) = 22 which is a bug, 22 is wrong  . Let's decompose; (4-1) = 3 3/2 = 1.5 (can not be rounded just yet) 1.5 +1 = 2.5 (can not be rounded just yet) 11 * 2.5 = 27.5 (can be rounded, up or down, doesn't matter (28 or 27, it's still not 22.) ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/wAf3Nqb.png) thanks
Last edited by Starlights; 05/03/21 09:05 PM.
Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a bit, you realize the pig enjoys it.
Joined: Jan 2021
Perhaps this has been reported:
-> Can't cancel an attack or a spell.
The workaround for me is the click on the opportunity button at bottom right.
Ideally, we should hit escape to cancel the attack/spell.
Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a bit, you realize the pig enjoys it.
Joined: Sep 2015
I guess you are a rogue and this is a sneak attack. Sneak attack is 1d6 every odd level. Crit doubles the damage.
The formula should be ((level - 1) / 2 ) + 1 and its rounded down. This means its 1 for level 1 and 2, its 2 for level 3 and 4 and so on. This is the number of your sneak dice. So sneak damage is only rolled once and its multiplied with the number of sneak dice.
Normally its 1d6 * number of sneak dice. On a crit its 2d6 * number of sneak dice.
You rolled 11 as sneak damage and its multiplied by 2 because you are a lv4 rogue.
Yes, the formula is not intuitive and it took a while for me to figure this out.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Sep 2015
linkIn the quest log, when you scroll down to the bottom the last entry is only half visible. Not sure if this is a german or general problem.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Jan 2021
Hi @Madscientist  I enjoy reading your inputs in this forum - oh, and your signature is priceless  I guess you are a rogue and this is a sneak attack. Yes, I just edited my post to clearly state I was referring to the Rogue sneak attack calculation. Sneak attack is 1d6 every odd level. Crit doubles the damage.
The formula should be ((level - 1) / 2 ) + 1 and its rounded down. This means its 1 for level 1 and 2, its 2 for level 3 and 4 and so on. This is the number of your sneak dice. So sneak damage is only rolled once and its multiplied with the number of sneak dice.
Normally its 1d6 * number of sneak dice. On a crit its 2d6 * number of sneak dice. You made a mistake in the above. "((level - 1) / 2 ) + 1". The expression is read like this: "((level - 1) / 2 + 1)". Look at my screenshot. The location of the closing parenthesis is at the end. So ((4 (level) - 1) / 2 + 1) = 2.5 Where we can precisely argue is with 2.5 can not be rounded (up or down) YET. That's because the operation is not complete. The operation is 11 * ((4 (level) - 1) / 2 + 1), once you complete it, then and only then you can round the number (up or down, doesn't matter, but technically it should be up - I have a research paper if you are interested  ). Try and paste "11 * ((4 (level) - 1) / 2 + 1)" in any compiler of your choice, you will always get 27.5, that of course you can round down if it matches D&D rules.
Last edited by Starlights; 05/03/21 09:21 PM.
Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a bit, you realize the pig enjoys it.
Joined: Sep 2015
- Yes, the formula is wrong in the way it is shown in the game. - I do not know how to write in a mathematical way: Add +1 every odd level, starting with 1 at level 1 so you get 1 at lv1, 2 at lv3, 3 at lv5 and so on.
Edit: regarding rounding: "rounded down" in this sense means means you ignore everything after the point. So 1.99 is considered a 1, 20.23 is considered a 20 , 4.79 is considered a 4. I am sure there is a mathematical term for it, but I do not know it.
Last edited by Madscientist; 06/03/21 09:13 AM.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Dec 2020
Had a game breaking issue in the Arcane Tower. Not sure how specific the bug is, I'll test other ways to invoke it eventually. But, I'm curious if anyone else has seen it. I used Lae'zel to bust down the door into the tower. I charged the Arcane Turrets and it took several attempts to enter turn based mode. If I destroy the turrets first, or if I immediately attempt to leave turn based mode, I can't. Only reloading a save fixes it.
Joined: Dec 2020
Minor bug so probably not worth creating a separate thread. The journal of Brian the dwarf now looks like this ![[Linked Image from pbs.twimg.com]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvlKL2LWgAoTWT8.jpg) The Find the Nightsong quest still updates as it should, though.
Joined: Oct 2020
Here's another bug: In the Myconid Colony my pc started a conversation with the woman whose husband is missing. While my pc was talking with her, Astarion, who was following, triggered automatic dialogue with Glut. I tried to end the conversation with the woman with the missing husband through the leave dialogue option, but it didn't end the conversation, and the PC remained stuck as if in dialogue.
Not sure if it is a bug or intended, but I wish the conversations that trigger automatically would do so only for the pc and not companions (unless related to a companion quest).
Joined: Dec 2020
I had a bug with Lae'zel: I left her at camp and went to kill the goblin leaders, when I long rested (before heading to the grove and triggering the party scene) I talked to Lae'zel and she acted as if I had never rescued her from the cage and she wasn't even part of the group.
Joined: Mar 2021
A friend of mine and I came across the "waiting for others" bug in multiplayer last night. I've been searching around for hours and can't find a solution to getting past it. Is it just a "keep trying until it works" kinda thing or is there something specific that triggers it and needs to be avoided? any feedback would be much appreciated!
Joined: Dec 2020
I had a bug with Lae'zel: I left her at camp and went to kill the goblin leaders, when I long rested (before heading to the grove and triggering the party scene) I talked to Lae'zel and she acted as if I had never rescued her from the cage and she wasn't even part of the group. Actually, now every time I talk to her in camp I get this conversation...
Joined: Sep 2015
https://imgur.com/a/lijpaIMNext to the goblin village is a house with an ogre and her lover. I have defeated both. In the house is a medium armor on the ground. Only my druid can pick it up. I cannot give it into the inventory of any other character. My druid is the only char in my party who can equip medium armor. Wyll could buy medium armor in a shop though. Wyll could also pick up the greatsword in the same house, even though he is not profient with it. expected behaviour: Everyone should be able to put an item in their inventory. Just because you cannot equip it does not mean you cannot carry it in your inventory.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Mar 2021
1)Finding that some chests or doors I was able to lock pick before I'm not able to do now; instead displaying as "Lockpicking Impossible". I've got that also on the door in the basement in the Risen Road house, where you meet the Tyr's paladins. https://imgur.com/a/5jGnWGy
Last edited by LeyraBeirel; 07/03/21 08:58 PM.
Joined: Sep 2015
linkGale has equipped a leather helmet. The tooltip mentiones that he is not profient with light armor. He is able to cast spells. Casters should not be able to cast spells when wearing armor they are not profient with. I am not a DnD 5E expert, so I do not know if helmets are considered armor, if they require profiency and if they can disable casting if you are not profient. For me this was irritating.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already