Pillars is a good example. It has a functional UI and good controls - I never had any issues with it and it was intuitive from day 1. Moving the party was efficient and there was no unwanted movement.

I have a lot of issues with BG3 UI and movement controls. I constantly have to search for spells, abilities or items that can be anywhere, I can't tell what per rest abilities are still available at a glance because they are randomly scattered, and there is a lot of unwanted party movement. BG3 UI also copies the same information needlessly, like the double portrait in the action bar, or hit % shown both on mouseover and in the attack breakdown on the left side.

Solasta's UI also does a good job sorting actions, bonus actions, abilities and spells clearly. Any 5e game needs this.

I really like NWN2's quick cast menu, how it sorts spells by level, only shows you the relevant information (memorized spells) and efficiently includes metamagic (upcasting could be same) options without forcing you to do extra clicks if you want to cast the spell at its base level.

I don't think BG3 UI needs a large hotbar, especially since it is a turn based game. You have time to do a few clicks, and those clicks will be fast when you know where your spells and abilities are. Most of all it needs to be better organized and intuitive.

Last edited by 1varangian; 05/03/21 11:44 PM.