Joined: Oct 2020
So that guy has friend stabbed by a Gith and tells noone in the groove? He did ... to that two tieflings you meet when you find Lae'zel ... You remember what they say? " Zoru was right, yellow as a toad and twice as ugly."  But i totally agree, i was looking forward for how much will game change, when i pick up "usualy evil" race ... and i was incredibly disapointed.  Maybe they would do better to not include them at all, if they didnt plan to include them properly.  This has been a thing in most DnD video games I've ever played; because they want to provide a large sample of races for players to pick, but they also don't want players to be stopped from... you know... actually playing the game. I believe that is the reason we have Disguise self? O_o It is worth noting that when you get to the Grove the game has to side with them against an army of goblins that would've slaughtered the people outside the gates and then reported back, giving away the grove's position and endangering everyone inside.
That is pretty solid grounds for why the people of the Grove don't see you as a threat as a drow or gith. You've already demonstrated that you aren't there as a raider or conqueror. You've saved all their lives.
It would surely be nice if more individual NPCs reacted to my gith, but at the same time there are more NPCs who do that in this game than in most other RPGs I've played so it isn't like it is entirely absent either. That sounds to me like reason enough to not kill your Gith, or Drow on sight ... but give him a chance ... Not like a reason to forget everything you know your entire life and share beer with them. :-/ Also how exactly does other NPC in groove know what you did? I can get that Zevlor told the tiefligns, any maybe that Halfling vendor ... but Kagha and other druids inside? O_o But anyway, dot forget that Groove isnt the only "civilized" place we vizit ... There is also toll house, where they were just attacked by gnolls ... therefore they should be aware of this part of world isnt safest place. Yet they are quite fine with your tiefling / drow / gith ... There is also that burning homestead, where they were just attacked by DROWS!!! ... yet when your Drow approaches, they ask him for help them with stucked doors. O_o And finaly there is Myconid village ... it may not be civilisation as we usualy talk about it, but they were just decimated by attack of Duegars ... yet they seem to not care at all about Drows, even special Drow dialogue option gives you free entrance, instead of attack. O_o
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 24/02/21 08:17 AM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2020
I think, they could have especially handled the Waukeens rest part better with a drow. I was expecting them attacking me on sight, when I approached the place as a drow, but there was not even a special dialogue. And then after you saved the elven lady, you suddenly become a dick as a drow with only having the option to politely or not so politely decline her plea to find the Duke. I mean: wtf? Why is everything sunshine and roses and in the end you don't even have the option to be decent.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Nov 2020
Didn't DoS:2 have a thing where the undead folk weren't as easily accepted as the other races? And even a head-piece to disguise them, if i'm not mistaken. But then again, DoS didn't have as many character options as BG3. With all the races that are planned to be on the latter i'd be honestly surprised if they managed to provide more than some flavour and the occational callback.
Joined: Dec 2020
I think thy did it right on Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, where you had to stay in the shadows as a Nosferatu (a Clan that is horrible disfigured) and people react to your Malkavian (a Clan that has mental issues). I would love for something similar here.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Oct 2020
Well, ppl in Grove and Goblins react on Drow exactly as they should.
Because you helped Grove, they accept you, but only for that reason. The goblins are afraid of you. Yes, individual npc are not very responsive yet. I especially don't like it in companions. Only Shadow notes that you are a Drow. Everyone else just doesn't care. Weird.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Nov 2020
Didn't DoS:2 have a thing where the undead folk weren't as easily accepted as the other races? And even a head-piece to disguise them, if i'm not mistaken. But then again, DoS didn't have as many character options as BG3. With all the races that are planned to be on the latter i'd be honestly surprised if they managed to provide more than some flavour and the occational callback. Yes, if you started as an undead you got a bunch of extra clothing items to cover yourself, but only the hood was important, as long as you had some kind of hat on, even if your skullface and bones are fully visible (thanks elf clothing), it was apparently fine. Except I lost count of all the people I saw whining about how it was impossible to play as an undead without having npcs go hostile on you. Somehow I never managed to have this issue, and I had a great time playing my undead elf and being incredulous at all the boney intercourse I was apparently having. They could do something along this line for monstrous or evil player characters, but they likely won't, because there are many more racial options than DOS2 already, and you all know that they will save their special efforts for the origin characters, not for making npcs yell at Drow.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
WotC is actually phasing out the word "race" as well. I guess they don't want anyone get reminded of any painful reality in their fantasy games. Tbh, I don't really uh feel their replacement word, "Lineages". Lineages makes it sound like everyone is of a royal line or something, while Race evokes ideas of different kinds of people to me. I don't really mind them trying to replace it to avoid controversy or whatever cause functionally it is the same, but I'd prefer a different word to Lineage. So much this. Even "Type" (which is basically what "race" means) or "People" would be better. Lineage is something personal, or rather familial. It's not something you share with even your own people. Well in the case of fantasy races that literally descend from one god or person it might have relevancy. But even then they have to change their names to adjective forms or I'd still complain. Shadow of the Demon Lord uses "Ancestry" which is dumb for the same reason but slightly less so than "Lineage". Words I can think of off the top of my head that I would prefer would be maybe "Kin/Ken" or "Folk".
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Joined: Nov 2020
Didn't DoS:2 have a thing where the undead folk weren't as easily accepted as the other races? And even a head-piece to disguise them, if i'm not mistaken. But then again, DoS didn't have as many character options as BG3. With all the races that are planned to be on the latter i'd be honestly surprised if they managed to provide more than some flavour and the occational callback. Yes, if you started as an undead you got a bunch of extra clothing items to cover yourself, but only the hood was important, as long as you had some kind of hat on, even if your skullface and bones are fully visible (thanks elf clothing), it was apparently fine. Except I lost count of all the people I saw whining about how it was impossible to play as an undead without having npcs go hostile on you. Somehow I never managed to have this issue, and I had a great time playing my undead elf and being incredulous at all the boney intercourse I was apparently having. They could do something along this line for monstrous or evil player characters, but they likely won't, because there are many more racial options than DOS2 already, and you all know that they will save their special efforts for the origin characters, not for making npcs yell at Drow. True, there's also that to think about. Hopefully custom characters don't end up feeling like blander origins. I never really got past the starting area of DoS2 because of that.
Joined: Jan 2021
I think thy did it right on Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, where you had to stay in the shadows as a Nosferatu (a Clan that is horrible disfigured) and people react to your Malkavian (a Clan that has mental issues). I would love for something similar here. That game was great.
Joined: Jul 2020
I agree with the OP... Playing as a Lloth sworn Drow should mean getting an overtly hostile reaction from EVERY civilized race that you encounter. Playing as a Tief should mean almost noone trusts you. Playing as a Halfling should mean everyone thinks you're going to pickpocket them at any moment. Playing as a Gith should mean you're treated with severe suspicion and hostility everywhere you go and that you're openly attacked if you go near anyone that's ever encountered your kind before (as the experience was most certain to have been an unpleasant one). If they ever put Aasimar in this game, I would expect a LOT of resentment from the tiefs.
Furthermore, choosing certain classes should illicit strong reactions. The Cleric (or Paladin, eventually) of an Evil God should not be well received in most places. If you're a Cleric/Paladin of Selune in particular then Shadowheart should, at best, clam up tight and keep her mouth shut (not even hint at, let alone give up the secret of who she worships) and should, at most realistic, slit your throat (or try to) the very first time that you go to a long rest with her in the party. I also don't imagine that a Cleric/Paladin of Mystra would take too kindly to hearing former archmage Gale talk about how he used to clap them magical cheeks. I agree. It's just unrealistic when no one really pays attention to drow or thiefling, no matter who they are. Racism is bad in the real world, and bad in the game, too, but you shouldn't pretend it doesn't exist. Since it still exists in our world, DnD should be even more so, especially since, for example, drows have a much worse reputation than any people with a different skin color in the real world. When playing as drow or thiefling, I would like to feel that I am playing someone that others hate or at least do not trust. I want to feel like a badass, even if my character is nice and kind. And if I play an aasimar, I want people to show me more trust or sympathy, and I want the thieflings, cambions and similar creatures to show open aversion. And if I want to play the priest of an evil god whose worship is not secret, I expect at least a crooked glance.
Joined: Dec 2020
I think thy did it right on Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, where you had to stay in the shadows as a Nosferatu (a Clan that is horrible disfigured) and people react to your Malkavian (a Clan that has mental issues). I would love for something similar here. That game was great. The best - and I think, they really handled playing the different clans very well. YOur conversation as a Toreador with Gary Golden or the constant distrust from nearly every vampire npc as a Tremere or the caution, if you play Malkavian ('what does she know about me'?) is just great. I would like to see something similar in BG3. There are some moments, where it is done well - for example with the tieflings that caught Lae'zel. If you approach them as Githyanki or Drow, they are ready to attack on sight, your only hope is to intimidate them. But other than that, tehre is no drawback or change, if you play those two races.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Jan 2021
I think thy did it right on Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, where you had to stay in the shadows as a Nosferatu (a Clan that is horrible disfigured) and people react to your Malkavian (a Clan that has mental issues). I would love for something similar here. That game was great. The best - and I think, they really handled playing the different clans very well. YOur conversation as a Toreador with Gary Golden or the constant distrust from nearly every vampire npc as a Tremere or the caution, if you play Malkavian ('what does she know about me'?) is just great. I would like to see something similar in BG3. There are some moments, where it is done well - for example with the tieflings that caught Lae'zel. If you approach them as Githyanki or Drow, they are ready to attack on sight, your only hope is to intimidate them. But other than that, tehre is no drawback or change, if you play those two races. Playing as a Malkavian was probably one of my most entertaining solo game experiences really. Is it on Steam? I should play it again...
Joined: Dec 2020
I think thy did it right on Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines, where you had to stay in the shadows as a Nosferatu (a Clan that is horrible disfigured) and people react to your Malkavian (a Clan that has mental issues). I would love for something similar here. That game was great. The best - and I think, they really handled playing the different clans very well. YOur conversation as a Toreador with Gary Golden or the constant distrust from nearly every vampire npc as a Tremere or the caution, if you play Malkavian ('what does she know about me'?) is just great. I would like to see something similar in BG3. There are some moments, where it is done well - for example with the tieflings that caught Lae'zel. If you approach them as Githyanki or Drow, they are ready to attack on sight, your only hope is to intimidate them. But other than that, tehre is no drawback or change, if you play those two races. Playing as a Malkavian was probably one of my most entertaining solo game experiences really. Is it on Steam? I should play it again... It's on Steam and with the unofficial patch by Wesp most of the bugs are gones. Wesp even restored some content that didn't make it into the finished game. Malkavians are the best.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Sep 2017
So much this. Even "Type" (which is basically what "race" means) or "People" would be better. Lineage is something personal, or rather familial. It's not something you share with even your own people.
Well in the case of fantasy races that literally descend from one god or person it might have relevancy. But even then they have to change their names to adjective forms or I'd still complain.
Shadow of the Demon Lord uses "Ancestry" which is dumb for the same reason but slightly less so than "Lineage". Words I can think of off the top of my head that I would prefer would be maybe "Kin/Ken" or "Folk". Amen! Let us submit to the supremacy of those who advocate for people to be perpetually offended, and takes it upon themselves to change language so snowflakes are forever sheltered...angry and infantilized. The use of "race" is a misnomer anyway, SPECIES is the correct term. Similarly, "subrace" should simply be race. But who cares when new-speak gives power?
Joined: Jan 2021
Your just going to get the thread locked with talk like that.
Joined: Nov 2020
I mean language is there for a reason. Words actually mean something and convey specificity. Yet so many miss use words and encourage slang. Species is the correct term like Seraphael pointed out and it always bothers me that many to this day default to black people being another species instead of being literally a human with natural melanin. Whatever I guess. Larian seems to know how to be respectful so thats enough for me concerning this game.
Cleric of Innuendo
Cleric of Innuendo
Joined: Oct 2020
Please leave real-world racial politics out of the discussion.
Joined: Oct 2020
After Patch 4 "fist" reacts aggressively on Drow in the burning settlement. Good addition! There is a stats check or you can just have a fight.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
After Patch 4 "fist" reacts aggressively on Drow in the burning settlement. Good addition! There is a stats check or you can just have a fight. Oooh, I'll have to check that out. Larian does put in an explanation of why everyone in the Grove more or less trusts the PC, but everyone outside should be reaching for a weapon on sight, like the tieflings near Lae'zel do.
Joined: Dec 2020
After Patch 4 "fist" reacts aggressively on Drow in the burning settlement. Good addition! There is a stats check or you can just have a fight. Oooh, I'll have to check that out. Larian does put in an explanation of why everyone in the Grove more or less trusts the PC, but everyone outside should be reaching for a weapon on sight, like the tieflings near Lae'zel do. I agree - a reason to play a drow again. The Flaming FIst encounter as a drow realyl annoyed me. They didn't even react to my race, while telling me, that drow and goblins attacked them. So adding a bit of hostility in there is a step in the right direction.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who