Originally Posted by Dexai
How do you have time to save that guy?

I don't know. I did all the usual stuff in the temple - taking care of Spike and freeing the prisoner, freeing Volo, robbing and then killing the Zhentarim slaver, talking to Abdirak - and even kill Gut and open the passage to the Underdark.
What I did different this round was, that I haven't freed teh spiders, since that lock is not pickable anymore and when I came to the back of the temple, two goblins were thretening the guy. I fought them and he thanked me and then ran straight into my moonbeam.
I did reload and opened the spider cave with attacks on the door and he came crushing down as always. I think, if you leave the spiders in that cave, you can save him, otherwise not.

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