Drow, Gith, and humans are not different races, they are different species.
Well ... yes, but actualy no ...
Few purely retorical questions:
What is difference between Drow, High Elf and Wood Elf?
Or between Duegar, Gold Dwarf and Shield Dwarf?
Or between Deep Gnome and Rock Gnome?
Or between Githyanki or Githzerai?
Or between Human from one side of the world and other side of the world.

You get the idea ...
Isnt it easier to simply call it all races, than somethimes races, sometimes species, sometimes cultural difference, and somethines i dunno flavours prehaps ...

Just to be absolutely corect? :-/
After Patch 4 "fist" reacts aggressively on Drow in the burning settlement. Good addition! There is a stats check or you can just have a fight.
That is really wonderfull news ...
Can anyone confrim?
They once attack me on sight too, but it was bcs i kinda fall on one of them, wich was concidered attacking.