Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Originally Posted by Gmazca
And, if they have all of the required spells, it should be easy enough to copy/paste the Tiefling model and add all of their sub-races:


I'm curious if the Tiefling subraces will have unique appearance differences from each other, like wil you be able to tell a Zariel Tiefling from an Asmodean Tiefling, from a Fierna Tiefling like you can between Elf and Dwarf subraces.

I think we should let the player change the appearance as he/she wants and choose sub-race for different power, stats, tag, lore.

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
I think Aasimar are important to have in this game to counter balance all the Grim Dark Races. Bonus points if you have Tritons and Firbolgs in it for the same reasons partly.

I totally agree.