I know folks have been asking for more body styles in character creation and sliders. Mostly this would be a cool "nice to have" in the game. Here are my thoughts on this:

On of my favorite aspects of making a character in D&D is using my modifiers to create my characters appearance. Below are some recommendations to have from the PHB. I think it would be great to use modifiers to affect appearance.

High strength usually corresponds with a burly or athletic body, while low strength might be scrawny or plump.

High dexterity is probably lithe and slim, while low dexterity might be gangly, awkward, heavy, or thick-fingered.

High constitution looks healthy, with bright eyes and abundant energy. A character with low constitution might be sickly or frail.

For example, the body style would change once the character has:
  • +2 to con and +2 to str. (strong and broad)
    +2 to con and +2 to dex (lean and fit)
    -1 to str and -1 to dex (choice of scrawny or plump)