Sorry if this already has been asked, I've searched and all I can find is mostly rumors/speculation, which is weird.

I haven't been following the development of this game but I'm getting more and interested after seeing a few videos. I did notice that the protagonist seems to be silent though. I know some people prefer it this way on these types of games, but personally I find it really jarring to witness these amazing 3rd person cutscenes with side characters being super expressive and chatty and then there's the protagonist, with no voice and a blank face. I don't mind it in games like Divinity or Pillars of Eternity because you can't see the characters faces anyway, but in such a cinematic game it really throws me off.

I've read that they were planning to fully voice the protagonist, but some are saying that it's just for ambient dialogue and not actual cutscenes. But apparently some dialogue is actually voiced already? (I haven't played the beta) Which might mean they plan to have a voiced player character after all? At the same time, it seems almost impossible considering you can choose from so many characters to play as.

Hopefully you have some more insight to share with me. Any clue when we'll get a confirmation on this? It's a pretty important feature to me. I think it's either going to make or break my desire to play the game.