Originally Posted by Minsc1122
Originally Posted by Rhobar121
Originally Posted by mr_planescapist

How well sold titles given by you?
Fully sounded, cinematic dialogue has been the standard for AAA titles for years and is sure to attract a lot of people.
Whether you like it or not, BG3 aims higher than those several hundred thousand fans of classic RPG.
None of this type of titles has outperformed DoS2 in the sales results.
According to steam spy, PoE1, which was one of the first games of this type, at best sold 2 million, not so long ago practically no game of this type even came close to this result (excluding DoS2).
For comparison, BG3 according to steam spy sold in the range of 2-5 million. When Larian releases the game on consoles, they will easily exceed 10 million.

This has nothing to do with how well the games sold. Larian wanted to make their own brand "new" Baldur s Gate game, so why bother taking the name "Baldur's Gate".
They made a Divinity game with dnd rules, BG skin, they ignored the style narrative and almost everything from the original games. That is why anybody else should have made the game, who would have respected the originals and not making something, that is a completely different thing.
Now there is no chance for a "real" sequel.

I am also sure a lot of people like "BG3" as it is, but they would have liked DOS3 with some Dnd elements just as much.

I am playing DOS2 now, just because I wanted to refresh my memory and see if this game was a continuation. Honestly, I have to disagree. You can see some similarities due to it being the same engine, but the world building is different, the characters are more polished. I mean besides the barrel cheese, there really isn't much similar to the two. Not to mention, I am not a big fan of DOS2, I mean it is ok, but I have never finished it, it just doesn't keep my attention, and seems kind of grindy.

To each their own I guess. I think a lot of the issue is, that people that loved BG 1&2 are looking back with rose colored glasses, and just really wouldn't accept any type of new continuation of it. Whether it was made by BW (which is no where near the company it used to be, I think it would have been a worse game), CDPR (they have enough on their plate fixing CP2077), Owlcat (Well Kingmaker doesn't have the greatest reviews either. A lot of people despise it for being overly difficult. I just bought it so I am going to compare it to BG3 and make my own decision).

In this genre of games, basically D&D players are very territorial of their rulesets, and how the game should be played. But Larian is going for a broader base, that is obvious. I even saw a reviewer basically say the same thing. He said if your new to D&D start with BG 3 then when you are ready play Solasta. I also think this was all planned by WoTC, using their license with Larian to bring in more casuals to their universe, and then their license to Solasta to bring in the more hardcore. It is a win win situation for them.