Hehe I have the same issue of hording and then never actually using consumables. Just always thinking to save them for a bigger fight, basically wasted on me. In BG2 I'd invariably get to the endgame with more potions than I knew what to do with. Same deal here with barrels or bulbs or whatever. That's why it might be nice to have a more localized grapple and toss for the big booms. I actually would like an in game justification for the heavy loads for all the random swords and goblin bows, like a pack animal. But yeah, at the end of the day the barrel thing isn't top of mind for me. I don't really care. I just think grapple would be a novel approach for stuff we are meant to use in the immediate combat area but not necessarily for the long haul to be packed away. Would be fun too see an actual bar fight with flipped tables and chairs. Brawlers or especially Monks doing crazy grappling moves seems like worth trying