Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Deviant
Lmao CDPR is literally the last company to give this game to after what happened with cyberpunk 2077 wich turned out to be complete disaster with full of lies and 90% of the things they promised to be in the game was never added into the game and how they lied about impactful choices and lifepaaths affecting your story significantly was all a lie and dont get me started on physics and AI even games from 2000 year have better and superior physics and AI so no CDPR would fail miserably with this game
Lmao at this nonsense.

Yeah I agree with your sentiment, I think it has become a right of passage for edgelords just to hate on CP2077. Yeah it had it's issues, but overall I enjoyed my playthroughs. They are also still working on fixing it, which is more than I can say for BW, who couldn't even finish fixing Anthem. Besides the crashes, and a couple other bugs, I found the content, the sub stories etc freaking awesome in that game, I mean it is no Witcher 3, but that is a seriously high bar to hurdle in its own right. Personally, I could care less for console players. As far as I am concerned CDPR could have saved themselves a lot of hate if they just told old gen users screw you, if you want to play this game you need a nextgen console.

Last edited by Pandemonica; 11/03/21 05:09 PM.