Originally Posted by etonbears
It is a very good game that could have been much better.

I don't think that CDPR lied about what they *wanted* to produce, but the 2018 reveal clearly did not represent the actual state of the game engine, and many aspects from that reveal were not reflected properly in the released game.

Like most CDPR games the story aspects are strong, but the CP2077 open world doesn't really know or care that you exist. It is beautiful to travel through, but really doesn't allow any interaction.

I think you would probably enjoy the quality of the story-telling, and FP is *probably* the best choice for what they were trying to do with immersing you in-character. If you are reluctant due to being anti-FP, I would recommend waiting until they have finished fixing the game to see how well criticisms have been addressed.

Just to note, I'm not really anti-FP. It's just that I did not get to grow up playing video games, and have never ever played console games, and as such FP feels very limiting and awkward to me and puts me off-balance when played with mouse and keyboard. I feel like I have no idea what's going on in the world around me, that I'm missing seeing things I should be seeing, and often times find myself wildly swinging the camera around in a haphazard or confused manner. I think it is in FP games that I myself would want TB combat despite generally hating it, because I would be completely lost in terms of perspective and orientation with FP in real-time combat.
Originally Posted by Innateagle
Eh, don't go into it with too high expectations would be my advise. I spent the first day playing through the 3 backstories like a madman, telling all my friends what a great game it was, and then i started playing the actual game and got absolutely floored. The story segments and the characters are phenomenal, but the world is as dead as dead can be.
Too bad about the world. But story, quests, characters, and character development are what I ultimately play RPGs for, and everything else in the game is very much seconadary to me, so I imagine I will end up loving the game.