Originally Posted by Niara
If it's any consolation, I've had my halfling character roll a natural one on an ability check she had with advantage, and I've had it happen at least once on at attack roll in combat as well. Four 1s in a row is pretty darn poor luck, but it's slightly more likely with Larian's RNR than it should be. The inverse is true as well - high rolls have a higher chance of being followed by other high rolls as well.

I will say... I've been at a table where a player using psychical (tested as fair) dice has literally been playing a halfling and rolled double natural 1s on at attack. I've seen it happen once, exactly, in my table-top history, but I have seen it... It can happen. But you will see it happen more here in this game than you will outside of it, and that is a problem that their "Ha-ha, You're a cheater" dice check box doesn't actually fix.

Originally Posted by dwig
I wonder... maybe the "1 is always a miss" code is overriding the "take the highest of two rolls" portion of the code. If so then you would expect MORE critical misses when you have advantage rather than fewer. Also, clearly a bug if this is the case.

It wouldn't surprise me if both were true given that they aren't even applying their own DOS-rules as they have them stated.

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