Joined: Sep 2015
linkFindal the druid is dead in the grove and I have no idea why. I saved him from the goblins. I found out that Khaga is a shadow druid. I convinced Khaga to side with us and fight the 3 shadow druids. Non of the druids died during the fight against the shadow druids. All other druids are alive.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Oct 2020
Good evening. Two-weapon fighting has been bugged since release. Initially, the str/dex modifier was not added to off-hand attack roll calculations, but the modifier was added to the damage roll, even if the character did not have the two-weapon fighting style. After patch 4, the application of the modifier to the damage roll only to characters with the two-weapon fighting style has been corrected. However, the modifier is still not applied to the off-hand attack roll.
Joined: Sep 2015
I speak with the hobgoblin merchant in the mycoid colony. At first he is alone. When you talk to him you can see the friendly mind flayer standing next to him before he calls him. The mind flayer should not be visible until the merchant calls for him.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Mar 2021
If the Novice Duergar in the optional fight just before end of the demo tries to shove a character then they lock up and the battle can't progress.
Joined: Sep 2015
linkAt the waterfall in the mycoid colony, the texture of the water is missing.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Sep 2015
linkNot sure if this is a bug, but it feels wrong. The exploding mushrooms in the underdark do not react to familiars. The quest to save the dwarf is super easy that way. The imp throws the torch, the bag and the rare mushroom to a save place, my chars pick it up and then I can throw the scroll to the dwarf. The exploding mushrooms should react to proximity of any creature, I guess.
Last edited by Madscientist; 12/03/21 08:05 PM.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Feb 2021
Some more from me:
As per Madscientist I see the Mindflayer as well
PC died, transported to camp, now I have a permanent blood pool over my bed roll - not good for spending the night with Shadowheart (though Astarion may find it kinky)
Astarion getting stuck in places - I accept he doesn't like running water, but it is a pain to micromanage him to get him to keep up. Plus he tends to get stuck at the cargo net leading up from the Decrepit Village beach.
Other random characters will get stuck at jumps. Is it necessary to have so many jumps to continue locations? The bridge from Blighted Village, the way to the Tower from Decrepit Village, getting across the river from the dog to the toll house etc? It sometimes feels like an arcade game with the jumping. This is something that annoyed me greatly with Dragon Age Inquisition, having played Origins and missing 2 I thought it became too Arcady.
The Goblins at the fire pit roasting the Dwarf don't engage, they just stand around taking a minute to "move into range". Grikka will get stuck in the scenery most times.
Not a bug but something else - If I go hostile to the Goblins at Blighted Village, whether the Ambush or the guards round the Aunt Ethel side, I feel the entire enemy force should go hostile. As it is I can pick off each group individually with not much fear others will join in (the scavvers in the Apothecary might, but others don't). This extends to the Goblins at the Selune Temple. It is easy to pick off individual groups - start with the sleeping drunks, then the courtyard, then Crusher - and the wandering Bugbear will just watch you slaughter the Goblins unless you hit him or he wanders nearby. Same inside if you don't have Halsin with you.
Despite the fact that every post I've made on this forum has been a bug report or criticism - I'm 170 hours in (since mid February) and loving it. I'll get round to posting some positive feedback.
Joined: Oct 2020
So, I thought I deleted/removed all mods from my game before starting a new Druid save. Character started with no equipment.
I noticed this morning that various spells/attacks that have modifiers after there base damage, were routinely dealing 1 point of damage/healing. E.g. Cure Wounds/Healing Word, Selune's Dream, Guided Bolt, which all have a +1 to +4 modifier were dealing 1 point, when at minimum it should range from 2 to 5.
Variety of unlootable items like a spider egg, enchanted armor. Goblin Camp completely bugged out when I entered from the side. Half the camp went hostile, the other half is friendly.
Joined: Dec 2020
I had a weird bug with Volo and Halsin. On the next long rest after raiding the Grove Volo suddenly showed up at camp together with a very pissed-off Halsin even though I didn't free either. After taking care of Halsin, I spoke to Volo and in the cutscene we're back in the goblin fortress and he's still in his cage. At the end of the cutscene we're both back at camp.
I also had a bug with Ethel just skipping turns if you free Mayrina before she sets the cage on fire.
And when I ask Shadowheart how she thinks we should proceed she mentions Ethel even though we just killed her and Gut, who has been dead for a while now.
Last edited by Kajsentlyha; 13/03/21 06:12 PM.
Joined: Sep 2015
- In the destroyed village, when you convince the goblins not to attack you, one sleeping creature is still shown as hostile. If you kill it the goblins in the area do not care.
- Should there be a cut scene at the windmill? When I get close to the goblins naer the windmill, they attack me at once even though I convinced the goblins at the entrace to let me pass. When I hit their leader enough there is a conversation and when its over all remaining enemis are gone.
- I never saw a cut scene in the owlbear cave. The bears always attacked me on sight.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Jun 2018
At the moment there is such a small map and so few quests and there are already so many bugs in it and it takes forever to fix these bugs, my god we can be happy when the game is released in 2023, the work is like a snail. get more people who work faster and no more covid 19 excuses here you can do everything in home office since no brothel
Last edited by Wolfenring; 15/03/21 05:27 AM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Ikaron a level 3 npc in the grove makes two attacks with a 2h weapon for some reason
Attacks of opportunity vs druid spider form stops actions all together, don't get attacked from AOO, and can only pass turn.
Joined: Mar 2021
Completed an exhaustive play through in patch 4 and never had any of the dream sequences.
Worth noting I also did not get the famous song scene or even audio - and haven't in any of the previous play throughs I have completed, some 184 into the game across those play throughs and have never experienced one of the most vaunted scenes in the game.
This feels like a serious problem.
Joined: Oct 2020
I've broken all Astarion's dialogue because of attack on the grove.
The dialogue about the "bloody showdown" with the druids apparently arose instead of some other dialogue, and each time a situation occurred and everyone reacted as expected (for example, Raphael's proposal), Astarion reacted only to the next rest in the camp. So on party, instead of offering me a night with him, he first tells me about the "dreams", then offers the night, and in the morning he continues to repeat "wait for the right time".
And I think one dialogue (or cuz I destroy grove in other way not with goblins) broke the whole game, because in battle with Minthara in camp I also can't kill her, because she's not aggressive for me, she's "stuck" in this time loop with Astarion, and thinks she's still at the party.
I also had a few client crashes, but I sent automatic error reports.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Mar 2021
So I ran into this amusing bug. I was standing too close to "Heavy Oak Doors" and cast Mirror Image and the doors also got the mirror image! [img] https://ibb.co/FWLDRRk[/img]
Last edited by Mindrivet; 16/03/21 06:38 AM. Reason: Bad at uploading images
Joined: Sep 2015
Completed an exhaustive play through in patch 4 and never had any of the dream sequences.
Worth noting I also did not get the famous song scene or even audio - and haven't in any of the previous play throughs I have completed, some 184 into the game across those play throughs and have never experienced one of the most vaunted scenes in the game.
This feels like a serious problem. I think you have to use your tadpole powers to get the dreams. In my first playthrough I never used them and I had no dreams.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Oct 2020
Surely these issues are already known, but let me report them anyway: 1) The undead conversation in the tomb is bugged, there are two models at once: 2) Many conversations glitches when you are of a small race (dwarf) or in animal form: 3) A lot of enemies (at least once per fight) heavily staggers during his movement, taking up to a minute to complete it.
Joined: Oct 2020
I am not sure if this is intentional but I La'zel has a proficiency bonus to attack of a +2 at level 3 instead of a +3. I am curious if the Proficiency bonus of others is messed up as well. I have not had the time to being any fighters or rangers up to 3rd and 4th level since the patch.
Also I just did the phase spider fight and only got 20 xp for the fight. Seems a bit low to me but I have not been paying that great of attention to the xp per fight.
Joined: Dec 2020
@SoundisPlatinum = +2 proficiency bonus is correct for levels 1-4, at level 5 it becomes +3....5E D&D rescaled things a lot from earlier editions. Have a look at https://www.5esrd.com/classes/fighter/Of course, I'm not sure how closely the rules are being followed (see numerous threads Not sure how they compute XP - but in the 5E SRD it's 700 XP ;-) (divided by 4 I assume) ... I guess you'd level too quickly if they used the actual tables?