I did make a histogram of advantage and disadvantage Over here.

The good news is that the shape for Advantage/Disadvantage does not match a -/+ 5. to the attack rolls.

However when tracking Larian's true RNG I had quite a lot of streaks. To the extent that I had 3 numbers streaking over the same time period. I'm in the belief that weighted dice is added logic on Larian's base for RNG. So streaks were reduced BUT there is still something off with the RNG.

Originally Posted by dwig
I wonder... maybe the "1 is always a miss" code is overriding the "take the highest of two rolls" portion of the code. If so then you would expect MORE critical misses when you have advantage rather than fewer. Also, clearly a bug if this is the case.

I'm theorizing this may be true as well. However with weighted dice, I did not see 1's on advantage more than expected.