If you have advantage, the chance of rolling a 1 should be reduced from 20% to 0.25% (5% of 5%).
Thats quite low but it can happen.

There was the same discussion in the owlcat forums. One player complained that the game is cheating because he misses all the time. Nope, he failed because he had the wrong feats and stats to get a good hit chance.
We also explained that anything that can happen will happen eventually, no matter how small the chance is, if you roll infinite times and playing a big RPG is a good approximation of infinite rolls.
I think somebody tested it in BG3 by doing some things 200 times in a row and he confirmed the % numbers.

by the way: What exactly does loaded dice do?

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: