Originally Posted by OcO
Originally Posted by nation
related to the tadpoles, and this has been posted/discussed in the forums before, but im really worried that larian is going to go back to their routes and set up a showdown for the end of act1 where its the player and their chosen companions against those we didnt select turned into mindflayers - setting up the party and map locks for act1, which admittedly im not a fan of

Last thing Larian has said on the issue of companions was that we will lose access to those not in our party after act 1. They did mention they would look at changing that but it could break the companion quests as is if they just didn't get rid of them and let us keep them.

I'd thought it was going to be something like we ended up leaving them behind or some such, but from what you said above it sounds like Larian has done this sort of thing before in their games. Personally I'm also not a fan of map locks for each act nor killing off companions just because we didn't happen to have them in the party at the moment. Now that you said that though, I can totally see them doing exactly what you said and having the non-party companions end up fighting our group at some point either after a full on mindflayer transformation or simply being controlled via their tadpoles. I really hope that isn't the route Larian is planning on going though.

Regardless it reinforces my decision to mod the party to 6 right off the bat come release if they don't give us a settings option for it.

Mm, I really really really hope they changed their mind. It is something they did before and feels like it'd go against one of the cores of BG as a franchise, or one of the cores to me.

On the main topic, Exhaustion should be a completely optional mechanic among other optional survival mechanics. Some would love it, some would hate it. Please everyone and make it an option but not something forced wither way.