Originally Posted by Elessaria666
I may be wrong as I'm not familiar with 5e mechanics, but I also suspect it's the "roll a 1 is always a miss" issue at play. I notice that aboard the nautiloid, my chance to hit the imps with Eldritch Blast displays 95%, and after I cast Hex: Dexterity on them it stays at 95%. My understanding is that the Hex should force them to take Disadvantage on their Ranged Save, and that that is a Dexterity Save, so the 95% should become 99%. Is that what is *supposed* to happen or am I misinterpreting the rules somewhere?
To my extent of (limited) knowledge the chance to hit shouldn't change. Eldritch blast is a ranged attack, so it is defended by the imp's armor class, not ability checks.