So, starting a new one. This one's purpose is to day that I feel like Larian, as my DM, punishes me for good role playing.

1. I don't search every container and body and push myself to hurry to find a cure for myself and my companions.

Punishment for good roleplaying: I miss out on finding cool books and gear because Im trying to escape a burning mind flayer ship blasting through the Hells. This holds true through the whole game. Rush to the gobbo camp or Gith creche, miss out on tons of stuff.

Solution? Auto search. Perception checks find good items instead of hunting for them through all the junk.

2. I don't end day frequently because Im racing against time to save myself and others.

Punishment for good roleplaying: I miss out on lots of character development and convos.

Solution? Untie rest and convos.

3. I don't use tadpole powers.

Punishment for good roleplaying: I don't meet the dream person at all.

Solution? Make it so that if I rest too much the dream person starts to appear. If I use tadpole powers, they appear faster.

My point: I feel like I am penalized more in BG3 for putting myself actually in the role of my character instead of being rewarded. Unless I casually and leisurely waltz around searching everything slowly, rest often, use tadpole powers and pretty much everything you shouldn't be doing with a tadpole in your head, I don't get all the cool things.

On the flip side, there are no punishments for bad role playing. Gobbos don't attack the grove even though they know where it is and not matter how long I take. Druids never kick people out of the grove. Etc.

So my suggestion is to reward good gaming and punish bad gaming.

Last edited by GM4Him; 18/03/21 03:50 AM.