Originally Posted by CJMPinger
Originally Posted by Zenith
Originally Posted by acatlas
Em .... Hexblade/Paladin also dex is not a huge factor if you were wearing heavy armor. Which can off set the low armor from a lack of dex. If your wearing plate then the bonus to dex means little to nighting you forget not all the classes / subraces are availilable. Drow as hexblades would be a very strong option. Also your talking about pick pocketing they do give you npcs to cover missing skills. Basic human +1 all stats is kinda meh being honest thats true there is a reason varient human was introduced to replace it. Tiefling racials are fine especially once you factor in all the sub-races for class variety. Halfling racials are fine as well the luck racial is really strong.

Races are geared to be preferable to different tool kits. Drow make good rangers, decient dex fighters. Strong Hexblades, above average paladins depending how you want to play a paladin.

Talking basic statistics Wood Elf and Shield dwarf edge alot of the races in early access currently with classes and subclasses available also because they allow weapon swapping for classes and wizards to cast cleric spells which I am sure they do not plan to keep for live release its probably a matter for the spells of just making sure all the stuff is implimented first. same for weapon swapping im sure at some point a bonus action or action will be required to weapon swap as otherwise its unbalanced in favor of shield dwarf mage significantly because it would just be broken they are basically good at everything currently because of those 2 abilities. I disagree with tiefling racials being bad as the game progresses that is less of a factor as well as the fact that fire resistance is alot stronger than most other abilities on net as a default ability however without all the subraces and access to there level 5 spell like abilities they are slightly weaker in early play and for class selection. If your focused on min maxing there is always going to be slight edges based on specific ability score boosts. The non-varient human will be slightly better if your building a jack of all trades style of bard or min maxing on a paladin but will be weaker with classes like fighter and classes that do not need more than 3 decient ability scores to be good. In the same perspective if they add the ability to roll ability scores that + bonus would be less impactful than additional racial benefits as you would only really be looking for 1 - 2 high ability scores 1 decient abilty score and 3 average scores on net for a character.

I will never agree that fire resistance is not a useful ability score as suprised ect your going to benefit from resistance when fire attacks go off taking 5 damage vs taking 10 damage could be the difference in dying and not dying at low levels with all the fire damage currently present even if your using potions constantly the fire resistance still does reduce the incoming damage and there are a limited number of fire resistance potions less than the number of fights where fire damage is present. At the same time most races with key ability score increases are going to be slightly better at lower levels.

For example assuming they fix duel wielding shield dwarf vs half elf as a fighter or human as a fighter ability score wise having 17 str and 17 con at level 4 there is no benefit over having 16 / 16 because the stat bonus is dead even duel wielding. same for great weapon fighting at level 4 the bonus is no difference your still getting +3 / + 3 however if your going to 18 / 18 then the dwarf is slightly better but gives up 1.5 meters movement meaning its going to take longer to reach the target which movement can be an issue playing melee classes. Another reason why weapon swapping should require a action / bonus action to do as other wise ranged weapons do not have a downside which they should vs melee. You should not be able to use a two handed weapon change to 2 1 handed weapons and then change to a weapon and shield before you end your turn all in 1 turn that is a much larger issue than racial benefits allowed those swaps makes racial choice favor races significantly more with different traits same with different classes have more benefits.

A shield dwarf wizard right now in early access is over powered because oh lets take 17 str 14 dex 17 con 8 int 8 wis and whatevers left for cha because you only need the +2 ac you do not need the int because you can just go get the headband of intellect and off set it. You can use better armor and weapons than any other race early out. You can use your 2 hander change to 2 1 handed weapons change to weapon and shield and you take 0 draw backs. so your looking at base ac 19, 21 with shield of faith. You can cast every spell, you can use great weapon fighting, cast 2 spells every turn and just generally out stat any other character. As levels progress that drops off by early levels and with access to all spells and weapon swapping why would you play anything else if you wanted to min max. Extra attack and other features later help off set this but early out its just busted broken overpowered because of level cap and broken mechanics that havent been fixed. Not purely the racials as the power levels of characters increase.

There is no situation in which a Tiefling regardless of subrace doesn't carry a dead 2 charisma stats. The lv3 Racial spell? Does 11-12 damage, about the same as a Shillelagh autoattack with my 1h club, it's pathetic.

I can count on my hand the amount of times fire has been relevant, and it's almost never useful to have the resistance when having more AC and initiative to avoid the attack altogether or get to go first and kill threats quicker produces a far better result.

In fact, that extra 1.5m native to wood elf is pretty damn big for getting into position and eliminating threat, and with how powerful stealth in this game is if you don't abuse invis pots, the proficiency is just the cherry on top.

I'm glad you can pinpoint a few select classes where charisma is relevant, but that's completely ignoring the point that the classes without dedicated charisma/int and more universal stats like DEX/CONST/STR with more widespread out and in combat benefits edge out the rest, and failing that races who can flex around stat allocation follow close.

I mean, unless you literally stood clumped in a barrel, there's not been a single fire threat in early access whatsoever. By comparison, for poison resistance, you have the goblin shamans, the spiders, several mobs in the Underdark including Bulette, the Githyanki raider, the Gnolls. And more relevant than the damage is the attack roll debuff poison applies, which dwarven racials negate.

Drow won't excel in anything besides Hexblade over wood elf, and if you're playing a Hexblade, you'll grab a half elf drow anyways. But that's the smallest gap. The gap between an elf race flexing a CHA class and a Tiefling flexing a non-CHA class is far larger. In the case of a Tiefling druid, you gain nothing of use to your class. In the case of a Wood/High Elf warlock, you still get DEX, immunity to sleep and resistance to charm, Perception, and in the case of wood elf more base movement and stealth, which all classes benefit from.

if the cantrips and acquired spells remotely compensated for Tiefling racials, that might be one thing, but thaumaturgy and mage hand are such a joke of cantrips, and the lv3 spells aren't any better. To add insult to injury, the lv3 spell you get as a Tiefling uses DEXTERITY as the attack/save.

Tiefling's +2 to Charisma is not even Close to Dead as a stat.
Charisma is the casting stat for Bards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks, and helps to make all three of these good face characters.
By a similar logic, Dwarves are horrible because +2 to dex does not work well for a Strength based fighter or heavy armored character.
Or a Gnome's +2 to Intelligence is dead because it doesn't work well for Barbarians.
And in 5e edition, and something I am hoping will be added to BG3, the stats are just recommendations and every race will have a +2 and a +1 they can move anywhere, and even before that there was the Feral Tiefling variant which explicitly increased Dexterity and Int.
(This is more an argument assuming all PHB races and classes get added to BG3)

HOWEVER, I do agree some things are a little broken. First of all, the casting is not supposed to use Dex at all, it is supposed to be a dex save against you charisma spell save DC so if it does actually scale off of the caster's dex, that needs fixing. Furthermore, enemy casters have rarely used firebolt against me or other fire abilities, varying what casters can and will use will help to make every race shine in what resistances they get.

Also I have every update played a Tiefling Warlock cause that is just my thing.

The benefit is not only the armor class which may be overshadowed if you play heavy armor, but it gives you initiative to be earlier in turns, which is huge in the harder fights and can make the difference between starting a round with Bulette with 2-3 downed or half dead people and getting to CC chain him before he even becomes a threat.

Charisma is a dead stat for anyone but bard/warlock/sorc/paladin, just as intellect is for non-Wizards at the moment, but Dexterity offers you a benefit both inside and outside combat regardless of class you play.

What's more, dexterity's boost to sleight of hand makes your life immensely easy in the early game in BG3 because of the ease of pickpocketing items you would barely be able to afford only after clearing the whole goblin camp. I'm talking about pickpocketing +1 weapons early, pickpocketing the scale +1 armor, the best armor in the game unless you work with the evil Zentharim to get a single Studded leather armor +1. Let's you stock up on lockpicks, disarm traps, the broken as hell potions all rather early and trivially.

But more importantly, it adds to your stealth ability, which is useful to every class and completely busted in BG3 at the moment, there is no price on landing surprise attacks or trivially gaining high ground without needing to waste a spell slot in misty step.

Dexterity also gives you acrobatics, the ability to resist surfaces.

Then you have Strength giving you pushing capacity for the most broken aspect of the game, pushing enemies off cliffs to their deaths, giving you greater jumping distance for mobility.

You see DEX and STR give you not only dialogue perks, but are the only stats to give you universal combat perks.

Charisma and Intelligence do not. At least Wisdom gives you Perception to detect traps and ambushes.

Moreover, tying the Tiefling racial spell to Charisma instead of choosing the highest of your main stats further pigeonholes Tieflings into 4 classes or watch their racials be useless as a result.

What do I gain from Charisma? A mild to moderate boost in persuasion. Too bad the outcome of persuasion is to often let the villain off easy or to find a way to cower out of combat. They could really work to at least balance out the benefits of Charisma/Intelligence/Wisdom by giving secondary combat bonuses like Dexterity any class can make use of in combat. Charisma could make targets less likely to attack you in combat, unless wearing a shield where it would make you more the center of attention. Intellect and Wisdom could have their own perks, like decreasing the potency of certain status effects or improving them by a %. Just something to make those stats not feel like dead stats if you don't pigeonhole yourself to a few classes shoehorned into the race.

As I gave in the example earlier, a Tiefling Druid feels way worse than a Wood Elf warlock, and it's because some races have powerful racials flexible to all the classes while some have mediocre racials or racials that only work with restricted class combinations.

Last edited by Zenith; 19/03/21 05:13 AM.