Originally Posted by MrSam

Jesus Christ man, just relax! This is just a pc game not real life. You should really experience some really hard things in real life so you would understand that there are more important things to worry about than some pc game. Honestly you made me so mad that it's hard to control my anger. Shut down your computer, get some help from professional and when you're better, maybe then you can try to play again, but remember that it's just a silly little game, nothing that has any real meaning.

Whoa! What did I say that made you that mad? I sincerely apologize. Maybe I came across the wrong way. I'm honestly not understanding where certain people are coming from, is all. I'm trying to present my reasoning as to why I think the game would be better if my suggestions were implemented. I also don't understand why people are so against my suggestions.

I also am a bit frustrated, so that could be why I came across the wrong way. I feel like I'm trying to say "ABC" and there are people who are thinking I'm saying, "123".

So again, sorry to upset you. TOTALLY not my intent.