Originally Posted by GM4Him
Originally Posted by andreasrylander
Yeah would be great if the dialogues were not tied to long rests... and they really need to make sure you can't spam long rests whenever you want, either.

It's nice when people agree. That was exactly why I suggested 2 long rests = 1 day instead of just 1, and maybe you only get like 6 days before the gobbos attack the Grove and the druids kick the tieflings out. Then, if you don't kill the leaders in time, you have the choice of either invading the gobbo base to save Halsin while the bulk of the gobbo army is away, or you can help defend the Grove. If you dethrone Kahga in time, the Druids help the tieflings at the gate. If not, the Druids complete the ritual, the tieflings fight outside the gate or wherever, and you can still choose whether to help save the tieflings or not. 6 days would be 12 Long Rests and 24 Short. Should be more than enough and provide more flavor to the game. Different endings not based just in whether you are good or evil but on how many Long Rests you used.

And maybe use this mechanic for other things too. Ignore Lae'zel and she leaves. Same with Wyll. Give the players a couple days to proceed to the Githyanki. If you don't,she gets frustrated and departs. Seems that would be true to her character and her dialogues. Same with Wyll. Give players warnings. Maybe the day before something bad will happen, a character warns them so it's not a surprise.

What if they added a day night cycle to the "im tired dialog". would you still suggest 2 long rests = 1 day

Months back I made a comment in another thread where the I'm tired dialog that pops up once in a while seemed to be a half finished feature leading to day/night cycle. BTW most adventures are not elderly and require multiple long rests every day. If this is a common thing you do IRL, pretty sure its unhealthy.

Last edited by fallenj; 22/03/21 05:28 AM.