Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Have you tryed to knock out that owlbear? -_-

Again. Missing the point. The point is that if I'm a druid, why WOULD I fight the owl bear at all. I should talk to it at most and back off. Why attack it and kill it or knock it out except to take the good stuff?

So if I don't fight the owlbear, which makes sense for a good character to do or a druid to do, I get no reward. I am only rewarded if I attack and either kill or knock the owlbear unconscious.

Why not have an option for a druid to befriend the owlbear and cub? Why not something like that? Maybe as a druid, I could convince the owlbear to let me remove the spear shaft and it is happy with me. Then, maybe allow me to somehow summon the owlbear for one battle with a magic item. Owlbear against the hag. Oh yeah!

Last edited by GM4Him; 24/03/21 01:38 AM.