Originally Posted by Hilarian
Originally Posted by Zenith
The other constant thorn on the side is that rather conveniently, all resources go toward making the straight female love interest rather attractive in body and attitude, while often a fraction of the effort is spent in male models. If I could make a buck for every single well sculpted porn star female ass with super countoured armor while you get males with chicken legs and flat ass with baggy clothes, I'd be richer than Elon Musk.

Cora in Mass Effect Andromeda, and then Panam/Judy in CP2077.

At least in Baldur's Gate they actually gave the naked males some semblance of well distributed curvature, if we're going by the Astarion romance scenes.
Not just that, aren't the straight option is often the most important and plot relevant (on top of more contents usually) characters as well? Alistair and Morrigan from Dragon Age, Panam from Cyberpunk, the lords from Fire Emblem. The gay option in Mass Effect Andromeda is one of the most offensive things I have seen. See? I don't know if it's intentional or not, but the options for gay tend to be very out there.
That's true. On the one-hand, I wouldn't necessarily point to Andromeda or Cyberpunk as good examples, given all the drama, rushed release, and general hate directed toward those games. Especially CP2077, which has a completely pathetic set of romance options. Even I'd advocate for player-sexual companions if there were only 4 options. On the other hand, yeah DA:O and DA:I had straight main companions (Cassandra and Solas for DAI).
In an ideal world, the main companions across all games would be an ~even mix of orientations and all sets of orientations would be given equal development efforts, but I agree that we definitely do not live in an ideal world.

However, neither of your arguments are actually against set companion sexualities, just that in most games it is done poorly and/or it's always side characters who are non-het. In BG3, where the title of "Main Companion" can only realistically be given to Lae'zel (and even that's a bit of a stretch), at least the latter of these two problems is less relevant.