Originally Posted by Starlights
Hi @Wormerine, (to save real estate in the post, I copied your post link in your quote instead, so it stays link with your youtube),

I am glad that you double click on the original post - that's exactly my point (well it's actually my point smile ), using "cheese" and "hack" in an early access game doesn't have its place. These days, when doing a run through, I am focus in finding those "hacks" or "cheese" or ways to abuse the engine as much as I can, and then find ways to post them here with in mind Larian can pick them up and adapt for final game release.

"Let the cheese come !!"

I'm glad to see we're on the same page.

Haha, me too. Though I can't tell if this is a brick of stinky cheese or just pure rotten filth.