So not Solasta, but I'm replaying Pillars of Eternity 2 right now and am really enjoying the UI.

One of the things that I like about it is that, while that game has a ton of consumables (potions, drugs, scrolls, grenades, summoning items), you can only access the ones that your character has loaded into their belt (you get four slots, but can spend your training to expand to six) - anything in your main inventory is inaccessible during combat. This gives you a single belt button to press to access all of your consumables. You could have every consumable in your inventory show up this way, but I enjoy the side benefit of having to plan around what I think my character might need and then speeding up combat because I don't have as many decisions to make.

Spells and abilities are automatically sorted into their own areas, sorted by class (and level, in the case of spells). Again, it's pretty clean and does a good job of showing you what resources are available and required for different kinds of casting. There is no concept of upcasting spells, but I could see using that same UI in BG3 and then having the player right-click on the spell to upcast or use metamagic.

Every place in the game where there is text, you can right-click keywords to get definitions. This applies both to game terms (so you can e.g. find out what stats and conditions do) as well as lore (so you can find out more information about this well-known city that your character has probably heard of or what some word in the local dialect means). This goes a really long way toward helping the player understand what's going on and feel at home in the world of the game.

There's a lot more; but these things, in particular, were on my mind and I wanted to share.