How an EA works will vary wildly from developer to developer; but broadly speaking, yes there will be content we won't see until release. I'm sure they will want all classes/sub-classes released for testing and feedback, my guess is a new one roughly every 8-10 weeks. Similar for multi-classing and possibly level 5. Races are less of an issue as feedback is less likely to be impactful.

As far as I know they have stated only Act 1 will ever be released early, and there will probably be no significant increase in level cap as a result. Level 5 would make sense as it's a significant power spike in DnD for most classes and there is already enough XP in the EA to reach it.

At the same time there is a lot of work that can go on in the background without necessarily ending up in the EA. Things like an armour dye system, crafting, new armour skins, new face/hair/make-up options, more PC voices, lighting changes, animation tweaks etc etc. Those things are more of a coin toss IMO...

Last edited by Elessaria666; 29/03/21 01:55 PM.