I feel like there are some people who defend BG3 any time someone puts out a suggestion and they don't agree on anything other than "Don't change BG3 at all." Therefore, it's hard to not feel like I also need to defend myself and my opinions.

But this is not a BG3 vs. Solasta post, as much as it might seem like it. This is not a "I hate BG3 and Solasta rocks," post either. I feel like I always have to reiterate that I really love BG3. I think it's a great game.

All this post is saying is that Solasta did some things really well, and BG3 would benefit from doing something similar.

All I'm asking for is:

1. Character Portraits register when I click on them. Single Click.
2. I can Group all members of the party into a party with a Party Button Mode. I can Ungroup all members of the party by simply clicking on their portrait. One click to Group. One click to Ungroup.
3. I can select a party leader by simply clicking on the portrait and dragging it to the Party Leader position.
4. Actions on the UI are all grouped together. So if I have an Action available in combat, I know right where to go on the UI to select one of my Actions.
5. Bonus Actions on the UI are all grouped together. So if I have a Bonus Action available in combat, I know right where to go on the UI to select one of my Bonus Actions.
6. Cast Spell Button pops up a separate window with a listing of all spells prepared by the caster. There is a Cast Spell button for Actions and a Cast Spell button for Bonus Actions.
7. Powers/Special Abilities Button pops up a separate window with a listing of all special abilities and powers a character can use that aren't spells, etc. 1 Powers/Special Abilities button for Actions and 1 for Bonus Actions. (Special Abilities like Surge, Menacing Attack Melee, Menacing Attack Ranged, Cleave, etc. would fall into this category.)
8. Reduce the number of buttons for Melee and Ranged. I only need 1 Melee button and 1 Ranged button. I don't need a toggle or a Single to Dual toggle plus 4 buttons, 2 for melee and 2 for ranged.
9. Shove has a button on the Action portion of the UI. It is an attack. Therefore, it should be an Action, not a Bonus Action. Shove should also give you the option to either push away or push down. Basically, I either want to shove someone away from me and/or off ledges or knock them prone.
10. Disengage should have a button in Actions portion of the UI. It is an Action, not a Bonus Action, which is really important to AOO rules. If you make it a Bonus Action then AOO's lose their value almost entirely. After all, unless you are needing your Bonus Action to do a second attack or something, you can Disengage after attacking an enemy and not trigger their AOO. Thus, AOO becomes almost pointless to even have in the game. Disengage should also not be linked to Jump because it causes issues where enemies attack when you when try to Disengage jump away.
11. Use Item button pops up a separate window with a listing of all items you can use such as potions, throwing objects, etc. Use Item should be an Action and thus in the Action portion of the UI and not a Bonus Action because you can throw an item, which is an attack. Also, having Drink Potion as a Bonus Action makes it so that Rogue's lose their advantage with the Fast Hands class trait. Fast Hands was meant to allow Rogues to drink potions and such with Bonus Action.
12. Jumping and climbing should be automatic. I select my destination, if my character can go there, they just go there. If an Athletics or Acrobatics roll is required, the game auto-rolls it for me. If my character fails, they fall prone. If they succeed, they continue on as normal. If they can't make the jump, the game tells you, "Your destination is unable to be reached." You don't even need climbing and jumping on the UI at all.
13. Fix BG3's Initiative order. No skipping around and bouncing back and forth between characters in initiative order. Keep the Group Initiative feature, but when I click on End Turn don't end the turn of everyone in the Initiative Group.
14. Stealth Button. If you are in Party Mode, you click a single Stealth button and everyone sneaks. If in Party Mode, you click a single the button again and everyone returns to normal.
13. Fix Stealth so that if you enter a certain sound perimeter around a character that a Stealth Roll must be made against the character's Perception so that unstealthy fighters can't just solo the entire game by stealthing up and assassinating all the enemies. Also make it so that the game only rolls once when you enter a character's Line of Sight/Perception fields. Normal Disadvantage and Advantage rules should apply.
14. Backpacks have meaning. Give them some sort of carrying capacity weight modifiers so that if you put things in bags they weigh less or something.
15. Make crafting simple and easy. You read a recipe, your characters learn it. Crafting screen tells you exactly what you need and if you already have it. If you have everything you need, you click a Craft button and done. No dragging items to some window and trying to figure out if you put the right ones in the window and so forth. The game just tells me if I've met the necessary requirements and lets me click Craft.