Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Does anyone have actual evidence on what the DOS engine can or can't handle? I see a lot of posts claiming that the DOS engine can't handle this or that as explanations for why BG3 doesn't have certain features, but the fact that Larian hasn't yet implemented X doesn't prove that the DOS engine can't handle X.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Comment from Alador on the code for DE4 that has been said previously

A few comments including one from Raz about the engine

Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
if that's really your worst issue with Solasta's UI

That would be one of the top complaints, moving your mouse vs pressing a key on the keyboard takes longer. Everything adds up when breaking down time and how fast and fluid flow of combat works.

IMO you want the ui to be minimal / not intrusive to the main game, to the point, and clear. The ui is not the game, it is a feature that supports it. Hiding features of the ui when it isn't needed is better than having it on screen the whole time. But when all aspects of the games ui is all pop ups you will be opening those menus every time. BG3 actionbar style ui is old and reused in multiple games yes, but if its not broken don't fix it, or you can say, keep it simple stupid (K.I.S.S.).

Solsata's ui is big, grey, and box shaped. The icons all have extensive dead space in the pictures, along with light coloring. The light coloring draws your eye to them in darker environment locations in game.

Video example: walking in a swamp at night.