Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Not to bumpty bump again too hard, but this section really needs more threads hehe I still think curating pins in the sections we already have might be more useful than moving threads here. Not sure if we need a special spot for mega threads just as a way to keep them from getting lost. That's really what pins are for. The current default for a forums section shows 20 threads per page, or at least did so for me without switching up any settings. That's plenty of room to pin say half a dozen hot button threads in each section. Can always unpin them later on if they cease to be active or relevant after more patches come through. For the General forum section how about a pinned thread with the following...? Baldur's Gate 3 Community Links: -Official BG3 feedback and bug reporting https://larian.com/support/baldur-s-gate-3#feedback-Larian BG3 discord https://discord.com/invite/larianstudios-BG3 reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/-BG3 Modding https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3Or maybe for people who haven't played D&D something like... -D&D general intros https://dnd.wizards.com/basics-playhttps://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/DnD_BasicRules_2018.pdf-Forgotten Realms intros https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Pagehttps://dnd.wizards.com/dungeons-and-dragons/what-is-dd/forgotten-realmsor some other similar links to D&D or 5e primers, since there are probably a few good ones floating around that might be cool to signpost. A thread like that might work to showcase BG3 twitch or youtube categories as well, or at least like https://www.youtube.com/user/LarianStudios for the official whatevers. That's just like basic basics, but could do similar things for major discussion topics too. I still think some more Flaming Fist mods would be good to have on hand. I don't know but I see a lot of people on these forums who seem to be pretty adept at the cataloguing and categorizing things to make subjects more accessible, or who seem to be knowledgable trying to help others find links or info, especially in the Q/A forum. Also a few of those people collating the big lists and such who have the gift of gab with forums formatting and imbedded images etc, trying to frame out discussions in more focused or visually organized ways. Recruiting a few more mods from the less abrasive cohort of forum soapboxers, and just putting them to work on building out specific sections for the forums. It might help to stay abreast of the rapid thread turnover. It could be done in an invisible section first and organized there to see how it looks, before pushing it out to the full forum. Here's a cool chronology topic just popped up when glancing the General section https://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=675618#Post675618ps. Vive la Fête! heheh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGPIttN9SmI
Last edited by Black_Elk; 03/11/20 05:15 PM.
Joined: Nov 2020
I am a Korean buyer, and I am uncomfortable because it is noticeable to add elements that are not in the rules or change rules. Clearly, didn't you promise to make a game that faithfully implements D&D?
I hope that I don't keep inserting elements that aren't in the game or change the rules at will, and look at the rulebook properly.
If D&D TRPG players are frustrated, how close will the Nexus come up with a mod that modifies it closer to the D&D5 version?
If you want to make an original Larian game, go back to the Divinity series, and if you want to make it properly, I want you to look at the rulebook properly and make it.
Even if the original Larian element is not added unconditionally, there are already many elements that guarantee the degree of freedom in D&D.
For example, if you want to make a fire blanket with a cantrip, you don't need to use the function of making a fire cover by removing the damage of a fire bolt, but find a cantrip that makes a fire cover and insert it. Or, fire bolts have more damage in each specific section, but are you going to reduce the damage that is strengthened? Then it would be very disappointing.
And I hope you don't limit the number of game parties to four. Whenever I need a character's function, it's very inconvenient to have to take a long break deliberately to put that character into my party. At least 5 people. It would be nice if there were 6 people generously.
And I'd like to solve the bugs that are still not resolved (e.g., a bug where shadowhearts are recruited for a very short time, but shadow hearts are doubled in cutscenes). Even by having you work from home
Translated by Google Translate, this can be very awkward.
Last edited by vometia; 05/11/20 08:20 AM. Reason: Removed extra-large font
Joined: Jun 2014
I am a Korean buyer, and I am uncomfortable because it is noticeable to add elements that are not in the rules or change rules. Clearly, didn't you promise to make a game that faithfully implements D&D?
I hope that I don't keep inserting elements that aren't in the game or change the rules at will, and look at the rulebook properly.
If D&D TRPG players are frustrated, how close will the Nexus come up with a mod that modifies it closer to the D&D5 version?
If you want to make an original Larian game, go back to the Divinity series, and if you want to make it properly, I want you to look at the rulebook properly and make it.
Even if the original Larian element is not added unconditionally, there are already many elements that guarantee the degree of freedom in D&D.
For example, if you want to make a fire blanket with a cantrip, you don't need to use the function of making a fire cover by removing the damage of a fire bolt, but find a cantrip that makes a fire cover and insert it. Or, fire bolts have more damage in each specific section, but are you going to reduce the damage that is strengthened? Then it would be very disappointing.
And I hope you don't limit the number of game parties to four. Whenever I need a character's function, it's very inconvenient to have to take a long break deliberately to put that character into my party. At least 5 people. It would be nice if there were 6 people generously.
And I'd like to solve the bugs that are still not resolved (e.g., a bug where shadowhearts are recruited for a very short time, but shadow hearts are doubled in cutscenes). Even by having you work from home
Translated by Google Translate, this can be very awkward. They didn't. They said that they'd adapt the rules to make them work in videogame.
Joined: Jul 2020
I am a Korean buyer, and I am uncomfortable because it is noticeable to add elements that are not in the rules or change rules. Clearly, didn't you promise to make a game that faithfully implements D&D?
I hope that I don't keep inserting elements that aren't in the game or change the rules at will, and look at the rulebook properly.
If D&D TRPG players are frustrated, how close will the Nexus come up with a mod that modifies it closer to the D&D5 version?
I'd like to hear Larian's intentions on that topic too. I've tried to ask in other threads but couldn't get an answer. First I started reporting the deviations, as I'm sure others did, then I noticed a post from an admin saying the purpose of the Early Release wasn't testing (implicitly saying we should not report problems, only suggestions). It wasn't clear though, so at this point I'm not sure what is useful to Larian and what is noise to them. I'm not sure this deviation from D&D 5th Edition is unintentional either. Actually, if I had to guess at this stage and without any comment nor feedback from them, I'd say the deviations are intentional: changes in the type of actions / bonus actions / interactions, no reactions, prerequisites and benefits of some features like sneak attack, how often we can perform those actions, ... So I suppose the idea was to take inspiration from the D&D settings and rules, and adapt them. I'm not judging, each path has its merits, but it would be nice to know where we stand. For example if someone plans to host DM sessions, should they announce it's a custom ruleset, or D&D 5th Edition? It would also fix the ideas and avoid many people from reporting "deviations" and creating mod on Nexus to fix them, if the intention is to have a customization based on D&D rather than a strict implementation like Solasta (which is the only one to my knowledge, there might be others) for 5E, NWN 2 for 3.5E, and so on. EDIT: Also, in the FAQ, this makes it even more confusing: What edition of Dungeons and Dragons is this game using? Baldur’s Gate 3 is using the fifth edition (5e) rules. ... because that is incorrect. So which is it?  Also saw davil974's question (and so, my reply) don't belong to this thread. The title has apparently changed en route, so I hadn't realized at first.
Last edited by Redglyph; 05/11/20 02:59 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Mate is a videogame, they are trying to adapt the rules at the best capabilities possible for a videogame, that still needs to be engaging, not too repetitive. Plus is not easy to include everything that runs through your imagination on a DeD session in a limited size game, please be serious. There needs to be quality of life mechanics on a videogame.
Joined: Oct 2020
Mate is a videogame, they are trying to adapt the rules at the best capabilities possible for a videogame, that still needs to be engaging, not too repetitive. Plus is not easy to include everything that runs through your imagination on a DeD session in a limited size game, please be serious. There needs to be quality of life mechanics on a videogame. There's a difference between adding/having quality of life mechanics and changing fundamental mechanics of 5e... and quite frankly, there are too many unnecessary changes to fundamental 5e mechanics in BG 3 already. It's too easy to get advantage in combat, making various class features undesirable to use, hide and disengage removed from the rogue's Cunning Action feature and given to everyone, certain spells not worth taking because of changes to monster AC/HP, etc. I'm not asking for Solasta 2.0, but a somewhat closer implementation of 5e rules would be great. Having to rely on modders to fix these issues is problematic, since there's no guarantee a mod gets updated.
Joined: Jul 2020
Mate is a videogame, they are trying to adapt the rules at the best capabilities possible for a videogame, that still needs to be engaging, not too repetitive. Plus is not easy to include everything that runs through your imagination on a DeD session in a limited size game, please be serious. There needs to be quality of life mechanics on a videogame. Obviously you're not familiar with D&D, please check the ruleset before commenting on the subject. This has nothing to do with the type of implementation (video game, board, ...). Also, we're talking about Baldur's Gate 3, not Mate (whatever this is). It's a CRPG, and many of those are based on Pathfinder or D&D, there was no problem with that (but it was already in my post, you jumped at the first words without reading the rest). It's too easy to get advantage in combat, making various class features undesirable to use, hide and disengage removed from the rogue's Cunning Action feature and given to everyone, certain spells not worth taking because of changes to monster AC/HP, etc. I'm not asking for Solasta 2.0, but a somewhat closer implementation of 5e rules would be great.
Having to rely on modders to fix these issues is problematic, since there's no guarantee a mod gets updated. I haven't tried this mod, it was a very courageous move! But yeah, I wouldn't like to maintain that, especially if that changes the balance in the game: the other risk is going against what the dev intended for their custom ruleset. I have no big problem if they do their custom ruleset, I enjoyed Divinity: Original Sin 1&2, Pillars of Eternity and other games that were not using Pathfinder nor D&D. Although I quite like D&D and would prefer to have it here, that's sure  But something in-between is disturbing, especially when it's advertised as such. Tactical Adventures showed that it was possible to implement the ruleset faithfully and get really enjoyable combat mechanics. That, and indeed the balance... now the rogue is clearly over-powered.
Last edited by Redglyph; 06/11/20 09:16 AM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Can we have a Mega thread for six-party members discussion? people keep creating those and they are everywhere. Just take one of the more detailed ones in the suggestion forum and refer everyone who wants to discuss it there
Joined: Mar 2020
+1 to 6 party
AC reduction / HP bloat
Surfaces on cantrips
Backgrounds for characters
Party movement needs improvement
We demand Borat thongs
Joined: Mar 2020
Okay, I'm willing to compromise on the last. A mod can make that into a loading screen. But it would be nice to see the others become megathreads 
Joined: Oct 2020
So why not just pin them? I anticipate there may be quite a few things over time, especially once people start creating guides and stuff. Far too many to pin, and IME people tend to skip over pinned stuff if there's more than a (very) small number. Sorry to say, but I really disagree with this approach. I think its a solution in search of a problem that doesn't currently exist, and that the forums would be better served with more topical pins in each relevant section, at least for now. In my experience people do read pinned threads, especially people who are new to a forum. Pins are a very useful organizational tool for everyone, especially when a forums section is very broad in scope, which is the case with the General and Feedback/Suggestions sections. The forums aren't being bogged down right now with a proliferation of guides, or an overabundance of stickies that are taking up too much screen real estate here, but they are being beset by thread/subject reduplication. The most direct way to get a handle on it is to pin hotbutton threads with clear descriptive titles. If you find that there are way too many pins to manage, then adding a few more moderators and creating a new forum section at that point might make sense. But I just don't think we're there yet, or likely to get there soon. Right now the issue is more the sheer volume of contributors and feedback being provided and lack of overall structure to the two main discussion sections. The news, QA, and technical help forums are fine. Its General and Feedback that are caught in the maelstrom. My impression is that the General section is maybe more for servicing levity, and the Feedback section is more for gravity, but that's just an impression and its rather inconsistent right now. Pinned threads with descriptive titles could help to frame each section out a bit more and model the kinds of discussions we want to encourage there. A couple new sections might also help. For example, having a BG3 new users section which is maybe more inviting and welcoming for newbs and introductory level stuff, with general info and useful link pins and an atmosphere less prone to condesension pedantics might be nice. Shout-down or abrasive posts in this section should be strongly discouraged and the section should be carefully moderated. We don't need assholes ruining the welcome wagon, so the Mod hammer should fall hardest here. The attitude should be "welcome to the party" or "thanks for stopping by, we're so glad you came. Here's the bar and there's the restroom, come meet our friends" as opposed to like, "fuck off newb! Who invited you anyway?! You don't know thing one about jack! That's so last year!" Lol. So we need some deft mods and friendly pins to help engender the friendly kind of environment I think. Everyone casting bless and cure light wounds basically. To offset perhaps a section that is more specifically for sour grapes where people can go to grumble and complain about things they really don't like, or to play devils advocate and argue in flame wars, which is fine for a forum with this many members as long as its contained. Maybe a warning like "Here be Dragons" or arguing into uncharted terrain so people know what they're getting into. Giving trolls a bridge to congregate under can sometimes be helpful in a gripes thread, as long as they're only part time trolls, but it should really be more for spirited debates or strong opinions, never personal attacks, so again highly moderated, ideally, if we know its going to be a more fraught section. 'BG3 ruined my childhood' or whatever, walling it off so flaming hands and fireballs don't bring down the rest of the castle. Those types of sections for a forum tend to be more siloe'd off which I think is useful. The idea is to have a couple sections that are almost mood oriented. Like maybe "Lets meet" all the intro stuff, FAQ, linkchains "Let play around/humor" general section BG3 on topic/ sub section slightly off topic D&D or gaming etc "Lets learn/teach/review" news, QA section, EA feedback (Needs the most work I think in pins, with story vs gameplay mechanics topics or guided discussion.) "Lets scribe/archive" which is what the above turns into after a year or so I'd guess. Or this section we're in right now. Curating feedback. "let's argue/debate" flaming hands, the opinion section on topic agon. "let's fix/build" bugsquash and development/mods I just think this place needs a bit more structure overall so its easier for people to navigate and locate the topics they are interested in discussing. I think feedback section could be broken up into 2 or more forums sections with a dozen or so pins to cast guiding bolt on the whole thing hehe Right now the single most useful pin for feedback section would be one called "My comprehensive feedback" Not a discussion thread, but a place for people to make single entry posts (giant lists or walls of text), that contributors can then edit/update as time goes on. This is the most reduplicated thread I've seen so far on these forums (usually with a subtitle like "after 120 hours", or "from a D&D veteran" or "Larian please listen to me!" whatever.) These could all be in one large thread, or a dedicated section where contributors are only allowed to start one thread per person. There are probably a thousand of these right now in separate topics, often with no replies or just a couple +1 type posts if they are well organized. The reason to do it in a large mega thread with single post entries, or single subject section with only 1 new thread per contributor is so that people are encouraged to join a topical discussion already ongoing if possible. You know instead of trying to post an encyclopedic "cover everything all at once" type thread, which is likely to just get buried anyway, regardless of how good or useful the feedback might be. It will also help new users or devs to see where there is broad concensus or broad divergence on a particular issue that keeps coming up. This is basically the feedback compendium thread you have posted here already, but it should really remain in the Feedback section where it originated I think, where it can do the heavy lifting, and in the OP explain that this is meant for large compendium length posts only, not open discussion or multiple short replies. Feedback template could also be helpful. Like where the larian feedback link is provided https://larian.com/support/baldur-s-gate-3#feedbackMaybe pin to note weekly/monthly guided feedback on particular topics or stuff that has been patched in recently. To help it stay on target for whatever is coming down the pipeline. Forum feature to merge threads and upvote would also be good I think.
Last edited by Black_Elk; 13/11/20 05:18 AM.
Joined: Jul 2020
Sorry to say, but I really disagree with this approach. I think its a solution in search of a problem that doesn't currently exist, and that the forums would be better served with more topical pins in each relevant section, at least for now. [...] Forum feature to merge threads and upvote would also be good I think. Indeed. Forums can't serve all purposes, it's fine for people to discuss topics among themselves, but it's not the right tool for massive feedback to a developer. Not as such, anyway. Categories we currently see: - actual problem reports (PR), duplicated since there is zero feedback to the users, so a) a user who reported the problem doesn't know whether it's been seen, overlooked by lack of time, definitely forgotten and drowned. Examples: the game doesn't start, hit points are not correctly computed, a quest is broken
- simple suggestions (same issue as bug reports, though it's less critical), by "simple" I mean it's quite obvious, quality-of-life issue but not a bug. Example: an inventory auto-sort button would be nice
- "controversial" suggestions, which tend to generate debates and very long threads, which new posters don't read so they just repeat what other said above, even if that was answered already. Those threads are duplicated because there is no resolution. Examples: we need 6-character parties, implement D&D 5E correctly, group selection
- mega "report-all-issues-here" threads with many unrelated PRs or suggestions: gathering everything in a single thread is probably the worst that could happen, since it's impossible to classify, to keep track of, and because people won't read posts above theirs. Those should just be avoided.
- communication from the devs or staff, that are very important in a forum, with proper use of sticky, separate thread for feedback, and so on. Example: release notes (sometimes found in multiple sub-forums, allow some people to reply but not all, ...)
- other discussions that have their place in a forum, and are discussions between users (here the forum is not used as an interface to the staff)
I don't know how many forum admins there are, nor how they percolate the useful information to the dev team. Little feedback from experience: In another game, we used forums for the feedback, and moved the threads to a "known issues" sub-forum. Or after a while, better yet, we simply tagged the thread titles with the usual "[reported]", "[fixed]", "[won't fix]", ... tags. That more or less worked, but it was still a lot work for us admins, so we were a few to share the work. We had access to the bug tracking system and could give feedback to the users when we had the time. Of course there are always people who won't search first, so there were still duplications, but nothing to do with what I'm seeing here. And at least there was feedback on what happened to the PRs. So, how to address the different issues? Duplication by laziness or lack of feedback seem to be 2 good candidates to address. For the threads, I'm of course assuming one thread per issue, which is summarized in the title (that's the most basic classification one can have). Suggestion of appropriate tools: - category sub-forums: basic partitioning of the issue at hand (avoid multiple levels and too many categories).
- upvote threads: if users have the same problem, they upvote an already-reported PR. They know the number of votes will drive priority, so it's in their interest not to duplicate.
- up/down votes for suggestions: same idea, will not avoid the "I don't read past posts" issue, there is simply no way around that, most people have an attention span of 15 seconds and can't be bothered. But at least, at a glance, one can see the trends, and some priority can be established.
- bug tracker: a read-only access will give all the necessary feedback. BUT it's quite technical. As an alternative, a maintained list of known issues, but by experience they tend to be too long to maintain in a forum.
- tagging PR: [reported], [cannot reproduce] and so on. At the very least, anything that tells the user that someone has seen his/her problem. This could be applied to the PR and suggestions, with or without the upvote system.
- bug report from within the game: the most efficient for the user, and with some drop-down to classify, perhaps a very useful help for the devs (since all details on the user's system and a screenshot can be included). Have a look at Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, from Owlcat Games, for example.
Then about the communication to the users. It's an early access, it would be good to be clear about what is expected from the users, to avoid pointless threads and discussions. - when there are long and duplicated discussions ("controversial" suggestions, above): why isn't anyone from the staff giving some feedback? Examples like the "more than 4-char party", "deviations from D&D 5th Edition" generate a lot of noise. If the users know that it's on purpose, that it won't change, that it may change, that would help. Just ignoring the problem won't.
- idea of the roadmap: if peole know what to expect, there's less speculative noise
PS: those forums also have a few other issues, like no image upload, the cursor disappearing when writing messages, and an improper notification system, but I suppose it's possible to live with it. But again, when you start having many users, it's worth considering tuning and patching the system, or even replacing it with a more appropriate one.
Last edited by Redglyph; 13/11/20 11:45 AM.
Joined: Mar 2020
I think what we want is a number of threads that the person who takes this stuff to the higher ups can easily access. And we want those 'megathreads' accurately represent the opinions of the forum.
I just saw yet another "stop the surfaces" thread. Clearly, this is a topic worthy of a megathread. I don't know how many "please implement D&D combat rules accurately" threads there are but there sure are lots of 'em.
Joined: Nov 2020
Hi I dont know where to put this. I feel that all the classes feel the Same: most of them can have access to the same spells, the rogue, ranger and warrior abilities are just normal attacks with bonus, i use the cleric or wizard the same way as a ranger when there arent spells anymore... They dont feel "special" like classes can feel in other rpg games (like Pillars). So more special tactics and ways of playing and spells would be welcome.. not just different kinds of "enhanced basic attack"
Joined: Apr 2020
Too many scrolls, yes, and too many potions/bombs/poisons
Joined: Nov 2020
Well heck, I believe this is a bug but not 100% sure but I'm hoping that it gets fixed in the next update. When you are running a Ranger Knight and you get to Level 4 you get to taka a FEAT instead of taking your ability score improvement. And under the Dual Weapon, it says "Gain a +1 when wielding a Melee weapon in each hand and currently it's not giving us the +1 to the AC like it should be doing. And as for me, I'm liking my current Female Half-elven build as she really knows how to kick arse and take names<G> Can we get this one taken care of, please?
Now if you'll excuse me I've got to go see a Tiefling about my reward for taking out the Toll house take care and happy gaming
Last edited by DragonMaster69; 07/12/20 02:53 AM.
Joined: Nov 2020
Can we have a Mega thread for six-party members discussion? people keep creating those and they are everywhere. Just take one of the more detailed ones in the suggestion forum and refer everyone who wants to discuss it there 6 party? Why so many? Been a while since I played a BG game but don't remember that there was 6 party members. I could be wrong though like I said it's been years. Might have to load up BG2
Joined: Dec 2020
Can we have a Mega thread for six-party members discussion? people keep creating those and they are everywhere. Just take one of the more detailed ones in the suggestion forum and refer everyone who wants to discuss it there 6 party? Why so many? Been a while since I played a BG game but don't remember that there was 6 party members. I could be wrong though like I said it's been years. Might have to load up BG2 OG BG/BG2 have 6 including your PC as the max party size, though you're not beholden to that. I know some people chose to play with fewer as the game divides XP rewards by the current number of party members, so you'd level up quicker at the cost of more tactically difficult encounters.
Experienced lurker. Generally don't say much. In the venn diagram of BG fans, DOS fans, and 5e fans, I hit all three but lean 5e.
Joined: Nov 2020
Hope, this is the right thread. Also english is not my native language, so please be kind to me trying to express myself here.  1) I´am OCD person, so I would really like the hotbar to be divide by abilities, spells, items, potions and scrolls. Lot of times I missed new trick just because it was behind some scrolls and potions. (In my second run I´am more organised) 2) In the inventory I would like to sort my items by price, weight and so on. 3) It would by really greath if all the characters went into stealth mode if they are in the group together 4) This ones are just for fun in the camp... a) sending items in the camp... Books go to books, potions go to some potions rack, weapons to weapons rack and so on b) i would really like to throw the bone (of my enemies) to Scratch c) there is this chapel/ruin in the camp and I picked up a lot of paintings ... I would like to hang them on the walls d) also I would like to make some altar to the gods (I have the statue of Selune to iritate Shadowhart) 5) And because I´m OCD and a collector... I would like to collect things in the game (but this is also purely optional and for fun) The game is amazing and I love it more and more, cant wait for the whole act 1 and act 2 and 3. 1.Now as for the Hotbar you mentioned I couldn't agree with you more. if not like that for which you say one that separates your regular spells from your cantrips so that they are easily distinguishable. 2. As for the sorting of the Inventory by price weight etc. That there is would be easier said than done. With the price, it depends on charisma. 3. I disagree with the whole party going into stealth together. You see most games like this for which I've ever played the Stealth mode was only useable by the thief/rogue character 4. A. Sending items to camp is already done and goes to a chest but if you want them to auto-sort I think that would take a lot more to do. B. Now being able to give a bone of one of your enemies to scratch on occasion would be cool. C. I don't remember the Chapel/ruin are in the camp D. I take it you don't care for Shadowheart?<G> 5. Well then you should be playing Skyrim with the museum mod installed. As for me I'm not a fan of Lae'zael<sp> or Astrions Lae because she seems to hate everyone that isn't her race and Astrion because the SOB tried to kill me the first time I came across him. If it weren't for the fact that so far he's the only thief in the game I'd of killed him the first day we met. I do agree that we need a place for game bugs