Joined: Mar 2020
My list of expectations is kind of a mix of things already said by others but i detail it here nevertheless:
- flanking instead of backstab - instead of advantage/disadvantage for highground, a flat bonus - disengaged untied to jump, make it a separate action - jump as movement, no micromanaging - no more food during combats - reactions with pop-up to increase player involvement in combat - overhauled resting system to make resource management a meaningful aspect of gameplay - fixing that wizard can learn any spell - improvements/overhaul how to manage actions (hide, move) by characters/party
I will be already happy even if the above are not added as default but as optional
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Don't really have any hope anymore, I'm guessing bug fixes and polish. Maybe they'll turn everyone's hair blonde/gold when you do super jump. Sven will probably dress up and they'll do a skit just to reveal another class that's been in every stupid d&d game like its a big deal.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
My list of expectations is kind of a mix of things already said by others but i detail it here nevertheless:
- flanking instead of backstab - instead of advantage/disadvantage for highground, a flat bonus - disengaged untied to jump, make it a separate action - jump as movement, no micromanaging - no more food during combats - reactions with pop-up to increase player involvement in combat - overhauled resting system to make resource management a meaningful aspect of gameplay - fixing that wizard can learn any spell - improvements/overhaul how to manage actions (hide, move) by characters/party
I will be already happy even if the above are not added as default but as optional Man, if those changes would happen, I think I would pee myself from sheer joy. I am not even sure I am exaggerating. o_o
Joined: Oct 2020
- I want a Bard - I want a new companion - A new model of dialogues, outside of the camp or know when I need go to the camp, maybe without rest, just visit 'camp location' - I want more dialogs, but with current system, it will be difficult to see them. Also Also, for people to stop asking to make any vaguely fuckable character "a companion" for no sensible reason. If they like someone, that's a good reason. You're salty as ever.
I don't speak english well, but I try my best. Ty
Joined: Jul 2014
If they like someone, that's a good reason. If the character already has a role in the story which is NOT one of a "companion", then there's no "good reason" to ask to make it one, if not the usual misunderstanding that this is supposed to be some sort of dating sim.
Joined: Sep 2020
Significant new content and/or changed mechanics.
At least 2 of the following 5 are required for me to download and play BG3 again: -new class -new companion -new area/quest (e.g., Moonrise Towers or even a mid-level sidequest added to the areas we already have) -big mechanic changes (e.g., any of: level 5, updated resting system, height or backstab change, fixing mage hand/flaming sphere/etc to be not summons, UI improvement, pop-up reactions, day/night cycle, bigger party size, etc) -backstory quests (like DAO)
Last edited by mrfuji3; 01/04/21 04:16 AM. Reason: added more wants
Joined: Aug 2014
Even though dusk and dawn would be amazingly immersive, I would settle for a toggle type day / night change.
And I'm not expecting NPC's to all act differently after nightfall. I'd rather have night time where NPC's "stay up really late" or just mysteriously disappear into their homes or wherever, than no night time at all. The atmosphere is that important. It feels completely off having to do sneaky thievery stuff in broad daylight. Mechanically darkness should also grant stealth advantage.
Joined: Dec 2020
this is supposed to be some sort of dating sim. I think you overestimate the BG3 fandom  Have you seen the subreddit?
Joined: Oct 2020
Mostly I'd like a focus on mechanics and UI. Pathing - in some iterations it's been better than others, but some of the non controlled character suicide jumps (or Astarion's fondness for water in the Underdark) as well as attack search need work. OK - that is a hard problem. UI More stacking of spells would help would help, maybe in spell books on the bar. Within the stacks where you cast and make a choice improved consistency e.g. put hex's attributes in the same order, likewise with the summon familiar choices. It would also be nice to be able to select the option (when you have one) after selecting the target. Pathing, it is quite tricky to get right. Difficulty options: Not so much because I want to see difficulty levels per se, more as an opportunity to play with target/NPC/monster AI. Some fights seem unexpectedly easy, some harder than the rest, some are really easy for some strategies, and much harder for others. Clearly there have been AI tweaks with the various patches, but it might be nice to retry some battles with different AI strategies, to get a better consensus on where the levels should be. There are a lot of different opinions on what is right, maybe being able to choose some of that could help refine options/choices. I know I've died horribly when not paying attention, and then just sailed through a moment later. Still trying to figure the right balance to deal with the patrol, though. I mean, when not being a Druid.  Economy differences could also be varied. 20% 50% 80% 100% 150% of the money/drops/potions so that people who are finding too much or too little reward can adjust to their taste. I strip corpses and sell stuff to the Druids, and last run I think I had 10k gold going into the Underdark. I could just not do that, of course, and I usually don't to that extent, I was just wanting to see what a difference buying things made. I expect that in the final product there may not be such an overabundance of magical items for at least some difficulties. If that is the case it might be nice to experiment a bit early. Maybe Arron needs to point out that he just can't shift that much junk. Or lower the buying price when he has 300 goblin scimitars already. Story consistency. If there is enough data to see the story-lines less followed it would be nice to change some of the dialogue. I've just killed Gale before recruiting him, but I don't really expect that to cause changes other than to not use his roadside cliffs portal. Last run I refused to give him any promises before agreeing to his diet, so he never told me about it, but did demand an item to eat as if he had. I also avoided Lae'zel but she turned up at the Patrol, with some dialogue I'd not previously heard, but there was also the option to ask her about leaving her in the cage, but Tav had never seen the cage or had that conversation. I'm not sure that I do want more content, particularly. Sure some of what is there is getting repetitive, but I'd rather see a focus on mechanics and balancing, and introduction of new shinies more in line with that. If I can deal with Ethel / the Gith Patrol / Zents with room to play with different strategies that would be great. (the wormy Gnoll options were delightful, when they were introduced) I'm kind of hoping some classes with different story interactions will be left for final release so that I've something new to look forward to for that. There is a part of me that would like an alternative cure, such as the creche, but I'm kinda expecting that all roads lead to Moonrise Towers so I'm not really sure what that would give us. Sure some chop and change to encourage different strategies in the meanwhile is probably good though.
Joined: Nov 2020
Level 5 and a good aligned companion. Getting a bit tired of the disapproval spam. 
Joined: Jan 2021
Level 5 and a good aligned companion. Getting a bit tired of the disapproval spam.  Ooh! I would love to see the good aligned characters.
Joined: Feb 2019
The whole game. I can't find the motivation to keep with the EA. I feel like Groundhog Day.
Joined: Nov 2015
If they like someone, that's a good reason. If the character already has a role in the story which is NOT one of a "companion", then there's no "good reason" to ask to make it one, if not the usual misunderstanding that this is supposed to be some sort of dating sim. Sarevok ... Loghain ... The role of a character in a story can change for a variety of reasons, assuming the storyteller to be reasonably imaginative. That you can think of only one reason to request such a change is a statement about you, which says nothing about any other poster or the impacts, positive or negative, of making a particular character a full companion. Halsin contrasts strongly with the self-centered, patron-reliant males currently available to join the party. Whether he would be romanceable or play a more Keldorn-like role in the group, I'd welcome his company on the road.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
My biggest desires:
* More companions, preferably Non-Origin. Testing out the system.
* A proper reaction system, doesn't have to be perfect, again to test the system.
* FIXING FIND FAMILIAR! Find Familiar needs its riders, Chain Lock needs its invocations, Familiars shouldn't be able to attack on their turns like that, Chainlocks should be using their action unless they have the Tasha invocation and then there should just be a bonus action familiar attack added to hotbar. I do think they should keep the special things added like Spider's web or Cat's Meow cause overall I think they actually add something not overpowered and in line with RP/Creativity uses of Familiars.
* Fix mage hand and other spells that have concentration when they should not. Also remove the "summon limit" causing mage hand and find familiar to interact.
* Level 5 and larger party size to 6 members.
* One or Two new classes (Sorceror/Paladin. They have a lot of things related to reactions or choosing to activate things in the middle of an action or event.)
* Experimenting with unique backstory/custom character features perhaps. Our companions mostly have something unique to them (Vampirism, Netherese Magick Sucking, Sending Stone With Story Relevant Patron), so maybe being able to pick out something special for ourselves could be cool. Since I am mostly fine with the homebrew adding flavor to characters.
* Some sort of promise of expanded communication. Regular weekly discussion things or directed questions on mechanics such as what is working and what isn't. Please please please just ask us questions.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2020
If they like someone, that's a good reason. If the character already has a role in the story which is NOT one of a "companion", then there's no "good reason" to ask to make it one, if not the usual misunderstanding that this is supposed to be some sort of dating sim. I disagree. And it isn't just "hot" characters (replying also to your previous "fuckable" comment) cause there are unattractive ones that have been requested as well. For example Lump the Enlightened seems like he could be an interesting companion/mercenary due to his situation. And I have been an advocate for a Gobbo companion to be added. Furthermore, almost all requested characters have been ones that make some sense to join the party. Abdirak doesn't have any particular loyalty to the Absolute and seems to bond with the main character, with some convincing or gold we could possible convince him that his god's will could align with us. Minthara has a whole wellspring of reasons she could be a companion with us. US was already a companion and is a cute brain doggo. And Volo or Alfira are Bards with existing interactions and a possibility to have even more complete arcs if they join the adventuring party. Overall it isn't based on fuckability (Even as some may simp over Halsin or Minthara) but their actual potential as a companion. Cause arguably there are many attractive NPCs in the game, but not many are asking for those characters to join us based on looks alone.
Joined: Mar 2021
- PALADINS!!! At least the oaths in the Core PHB - Bards - Monks (or Barbarians) - Eladrin or Aasimar (why not both?) - Full Plate!!!! - Customizable Armor tints - Increase Party size - truer implementation of 5e ruleset - proper reactions with spells/abilities - Increase to Lvl 6 Max Character lvl - New Content (chapter1 maybe) - cut scene for weapon bond for Eldritch Knights - one of my favorite flavor features of the EK
Joined: Nov 2020
Sarevok ... Loghain ... The role of a character in a story can change for a variety of reasons, assuming the storyteller to be reasonably imaginative. That you can think of only one reason to request such a change is a statement about you, which says nothing about any other poster or the impacts, positive or negative, of making a particular character a full companion. Halsin contrasts strongly with the self-centered, patron-reliant males currently available to join the party. Whether he would be romanceable or play a more Keldorn-like role in the group, I'd welcome his company on the road. THIS. THIS. ALL OF THIS.
Joined: Oct 2020
I could say what I hope to see but what I would expect to see but it wont happen id target more what I would hope to see
Paladins / Aasimar or Barbarians / Dragonborn with level 5 added maybe level 6 if lucky being reasonable. 12 or so new items to existing content there is plenty hidden in game files.
and id like to see a a couple dozen items added / improved on in the game. It would be nice to have the other optional paths but I dont expect to see it. It would be nice to have armor dyes / multiclassing but im being reasonable. It would also be nice to have the option to hire mercs and roll stats at the start of the game but I think larian is holding back on that hard.
Mercs would save me having to get 2 other people all the time so I can customize my party and rolling stats would make your main character feel more tuned and balanced a little better in early access vs the enemy characters you'd get to see more of what they could actually do.
Colored Dice choice also would be nice.
Currently what they have finished in the game files at the moment is barbarian class has its abilities added. Only class has this and voice lines currently - so it has the most probability as the next class though not 100% it is what I would expect to see. Gnomes / Drugar are in the game files and have character creation options. Dragonborn and Half-Orcs have voice lines but no models with last patch. They have also been working on larger models but not complete assuming this is the trend I would hope to see and lean towards Dragonborn and Barbarians. As just adding a class or a race would be a bit far back. They need to be showing big editions at the moment every couple of months to show content is progressing towards the full live release target line.
If i was in charge of targetting release patches before the full game release target date for early access my thoughts would be
Patch 5.0 - April Barbarians / Dragonborn enter the fray (This would give a big showing of what larian can do with larger model characters and what they could do with less human characters). Level 5 added 3 belts 3 capes added to the game. +1 Shield added, Another unique shield added. 10 additional items added.
Patch 5.5 - May Ranger Improved / Animal Companions Improved balanced better to existing game showing larians work on the ranger. Durgar Added as a suprise bonus. Necromancer Subclass added.
Patch 6.0 June Aasimar Added with Paladin class. Gnomes added. Illusionist subclass for mage added. Enchanter Subclass for mage added. 10 additional items added to early access. Level 6 can now be reached with existing classes
Patch 6.5 July Half Plate, Breast plate added. Colored Dice added. All items now showing varients of abilities. Wizards corrected to not being able to cast divine spells. 2 additional Cleric Domains added.
Patch 7.0 August Bard added with both subclasses. Champion Fighter and Half - Orcs Added Full Plate now accessable with +1 varients.
Patch 7.5 September Pact of the blade / Pact of the tomb added. Weapon swapping now corrected. Archfey warlock Subclass added.
Patch 8.0 October Monk and Sorcerer Added Remaning Cleric and Wizard Subclass options added. Githzerai added. Goblins Added. Additional Paths added to the next area. Helios and Minsc join the fray.
Patch 8.5 November. Evil path varient Replacement Companions added. Minthara / Priestess Gut and Hobgoblin guy whos name i cant remember replace, Shadowheart, Wyll and Gale. Kagha vs helsin joining party. Anders vs Karlach - Optional Companion quest. I would not remove Asterion or Lazeal as they seem to be workable with every path currently in chapter 1 as an option. Adding these mini choice would make the choices you make in early access feel more acceptable.
Patch 9.0 December Rolling stats added. more items added to additional areas. Hexblade / Oathbreaker subclasses added. Mercs added. Multiclassing added. Level 7-8 added to game. all tiefling subraces added.
Patch 9.5 January Levels 9/10 added. Full chapter additional zones added. 2 additional companion paths added. 2 additional zones added.
Patch 10 Febuary End Live release. All initial content released.
That would be how I would approch it. Capping at levels 12-16 based on how larion wants to do it.
with april / june being target for first dlc which if it was me id do 12 and then release the first dlc with 13-16 and the artificer class added and warforged. 5 character party. 29.99 DLC 2 would be September 2022 with 17-20 and 6 character partys. 2 additional races again and a bunch more subclasses added. 29.99 March 2023 epic rules epic boons 21-25 added using optional game vairent options from dms binder allowing you to be epic. DLC 3. 29.99
I think having to chose your companions based on going evil route or good route brings some importance into the game. It brings more customization to the game. Also for the companions adding a conclusion to the character that gives them some unique benefit to give you a reason to chose them over a merc gives them some importance. In accessable races unique abilities ect. Asterion getting additional vampire powers. Gale getting some unique spells. Shadowheart could get some unique items, some unique boons for her. Wyll you could get his patron as a companion, Lazeal could get unique gith items and the ability to craft gith items. Minthara gut and hobgoblin dude could get absolute powers progression and maybe additional powers that progress further. You could get your companion from your dreams going the evil route.
Companion Optional Vs Paths (Wizard) Baeloth Barrityl vs Gale (Wizard) (Cleric) Minthra vs Wyll (Warlock) (Sorcerer) Dream Companion vs Shadowheart (Cleric) (Warlock) Mindflyer Companion vs Lazeal (Fighter) (Ranger) Gandrel vs Asterion (Rogue) (Druid) Kagha vs Helsin (Druid) (Paladin) Anders vs Karlach (Ranger) (Barbarian) Dror Ragzlin vs Minsc (Barbarian) (Monk) Human Companion vs Helios (Paladin) (Rogue) Durgar Companion vs Barcus Wroot (Sorcerer) (Bard) Goblin Companion vs Alfirna (Bard) (Fighter) Half-Orc Companion vs Aasimar Companion (Monk)
Minsc and Baeloth are your throw backs to the old balders gate. Easy to make a conflict for all of those work. Shadowheart has a thing against the dreams going with them makes that a perfect subplot. Anders and Karlach are already written into the story as are Asterion and Gandrel as plots. Dror Ragzlin can be written into the chapter 2 part of the quest along with a reason for him and minsc to dislike each other. Baeloth vs Gale could be written in with gale wanting some item he has. Mindflayer vs Lazeal writes itself. Durgar vs Barcus woot is already there. Alfirna vs another bard could be a competition of music maybe some plot the bard was part of her prior life. Kagha changes sides over the grove and the shadow druids which makes for a good story arch. Wyll vs minthra story plot already exists. I attempted to do the plots in a way that make sense for existing characters. Karlach already has a ranger feel to her so story plot works well. You could also change this so it becomes a Dragonborn instead of anders later on as the plot closure as zariels second hunter tracks her down and you get her on the road to the next area and tie it in with a patch or make that paladin an oathbreaker/Tiamet worshiper and tie it into the story. I picked anders initially to kind of balance human companions and the story plot it already there.
I think that those optional you can get companion A or companion B patchs would really expand the story and make making those choices matter have a big impact on the story. With an optional story arch to spare kagha built into the goblin story based on if you chose the evil path vs the good path. But just my thoughts on it. I also think you could work a good reason to cross compaire the companions this way as there are reasons you could work into the story to make those choices matter. And it gives you ways you write this into the story with reasons that those choices would matter as your chosing 1 companion or the other with benefit giving you reasons to be good or evil. I added in some class notes while i do realize it doesnt make 100% match to the game current lore the could be modifications that would line it up. It would also give you all 12 classes as companions and unique options to the storyline.
Last edited by acatlas; 01/04/21 05:35 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Sarevok ... Loghain ... The role of a character in a story can change "The role of a character can change" according to the author's will and "Please change the role of this character to serve my fetish for it" pushed from the user base are two very different things. ...is convenient, self-serving bullshit. But why do I bother? Next, an essay on why getting Minthara would be amazingly important to push the narrative, I guess. "N-no, there's actually a very DEEP reason for this!". Sure.
Last edited by Tuco; 01/04/21 07:17 AM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Next, an essay on why getting Minthara would be amazingly important to push the narrative, I guess.
"N-no, there's actually a very DEEP reason for this!". Sure. It could be amazingly important in pushing the narrative. I highly doubt it, but it could be.