I'm not a game designer but I'm not sure it's a bad idea to show everything first then try to understand what people like, what they don't and make adjustments.

I don't have the datas but reading many feedbacks it looks like players like those homebrewed possibilities a lot but not the too huge impact it has on the game balance, on combats and on D&D possibilities.

Ofc I hope they won't missunderstood their data and focus more on them than on feedbacks.

If people don't use bless it's not because it's not fun... it's because they don't know what it's usefull for and because there's something better in their homebrewed.
If they don't use faery fire, it's not because it's not fun... it's because there's something better in their homebrewed. That kind of things.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 05/04/21 02:56 PM.

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