Here's another pic of my party of 3 customizable characters with Lae'zel.

This is the group known as The Afflicted

Kaedyn - Male Half-Drow Cleric of Tyr
Vexir - Female Lloth-Sworn Drow Battlemaster
Ryth-Shan - Male Githyanki Beastmaster with his animal companion Zriek the Raven
Lae'zel - Female Githyanki Eldritch Knight with her animal companion Shri the Spider

I would now like to suggest that more work be done on conversations between customized characters. This feature is really cool and really makes the game more fun to have two or three party members talking to each other and discussing events. However, I did discover that some of the choices for conversations don't really align to the characters created. My Lloth-Sworn Drow was the one to free Sazza and was all about using Sazza to get in to the Goblin Base, but then later she only had the option to say something like, "I'm not sure trusting a goblin is such a good idea." Didn't really make sense. If she was the one who freed Sazza and was all about using Sazza and such, she wouldn't later then say anything like that. She'd be more like, "Don't you all understand how we can use this to our advantage?" And then she'd maybe elaborate on how the party might use that situation.

I'm just saying, I LOVE this and really want this as a Single-Player mode option, AND I'd LOVE to have this worked out more so that it is really fitting to the characters created.