Ok, Larian. This is the way to go. Let players create 4 custom characters and have them all interact. This is, I think, what a lot of players are missing.

Actually, if the pre-made characters interacted a bit more like this when you have them in the party that would also be better. I feel like my custom characters are truly a team who are working together to solve their issues. They stop during their travels and discuss what to do next, together.

I feel like with the premades it is me and them. Not us. With the custom characters it is more about us.

I almost never want to play the game again with the premades because it is more fun with the customs. I like the premades, don't get me wrong, but I just feel more like my customs are clicking much better together. They are also more balanced in skills, etc.

Last edited by GM4Him; 06/04/21 02:53 AM.