Originally Posted by Dez
Of course I am not going to argue with the fact that the forums always only represent a very small percentage of the game's community. And I would also agree with the fact that whenever people do join the forums, it is usually because they have a complaint or issue of some kind. People joining the forums on praise alone is rare, very rare indeed.

However, I would ask you to not mistake the talkative ones for the only active ones. :] I have been here since autumn of last year, and while I more often than not am way too inexperienced and clueless to actually participate in the conversation (unless I actually just leave some encouragement or a newbie point of view) - I have been reading these forums almost daily ever since, although I do not always have something to post myself. I cannot imagine I am the only one lurking around here with the main objective being just reading, learning and generally just keeping an eye on the active discussions.

EDIT: by the way, while I think any suggestion / complaint / discussion is worth respecting as we all have different priorities when playing the game, your bingo card is on point. 11/10 :'D
Even if the entire population of planet earth read these forums, we can only judge the forums according to the content which is posted on it, which incidentally posted by a small group of people who share a similar set of views. Incidentally, this characteristic will lead to more people who share that particular mindset being likely to contribute than those who share a contrary opinion, so with time it is highly likely that this forum will continue to head in the same direction.

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by Sharp
Their opinions have been entrenched since the beginning (yourself, sludge khalid, Maximuuus, tuco, KillerRabit, etc) and have not shifted much over the course of time.

I guess you look at names more than reading^^

From when you first started posting, to when you changed your mind on certain topics was a very brief window in time, for the vast majority of your tenure you shared the entrenched opinions of the vocal group here. I did read your posts and the majority of them were in support of the forum's consensus. I did consider not including you in that list, but since you are mostly harping on the same topics now, I thought I may as well put you there. I thought it more a case of that it took you a short period of time to form an opinion and then afterwards you continued to argue for it. I did leave out some of the others like Niara who I should have included.

Basically, you can look at the names of posters and know immediately what they are arguing in favor of and also how likely it is that you will agree with them. For example if I see tuco's name hes probably complaining about something related to the UI and I will probably agree with the topic. If I see sludge khalid (who hasn't been active in a long time) it will probably be about dnd rules and I will probably disagree with him on the subject.

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
You forgot backstab and highground... What a shame !
I didn't, backstab was what I intended with complaining about stealth and highground was complaining about height advantage.

Last edited by Sharp; 09/04/21 01:46 PM.